Howard Stern Predicted That Piers Morgan Live Would Be Cancelled on the Second Night; Piers Morgan Crew Happy About It

Piers Morgan Live was cancelled. Howard Stern saw it coming. The King of All Media went Baba Booey on Piers Morgan on the second broadcast of Piers Morgan Live. Now that Piers Morgan Live has been cancelled by CNN, the crew is taking it pretty well. Plans for a 9pm replacement are currently underway,

No date has been set for the final broadcast of Piers Morgan Live. Howard Stern saw this from the second night of Piers Morgan's broadcasts.

Piers Morgan replaced Larry King in anchoring the 9 p.m. slot three years ago, but suffered low viewership.

Piers Morgan Live was cancelled by CNN because of ratings. His Staffers say that's not quite soon enough for them. One "Piers Morgan Live" crew member told Confidenti@l. "He was always such an a------ to people working for him," one insider says of the bombastic Brit. Morgan's last show is likely to be this week, but no specific date has been set. We hear it was low ratings and a bad attitude that killed it, and the decision was made by network boss Jeff Zucker. "The makeup girls suffered the worst - he was rude and belligerent," says our source. "The general feeling is Morgan didn't show any respect to anyone working under him - the people who were trying to make him look good."

Howard Stern knews.

Howard Stern was the guest on the second night of "Piers Morgan Live,: Oprah Winfrey had been the guest on the premiere broadcast after Piers Morgan replaced veteran newsman Larry King as the prime time interviewer for CNN.

Piers came up pretty strong when he first put on Larry's suspenders, figuratively of course, advertising that he was going to be confrontational and fresh as the new guy.

Howard Stern from the very beginning knocked Piers down a peg, opening with "I want to congratulate you on unseating a 95-year-old man. Poor Larry King is sitting home right now pulling what few hairs he had in his head out right now."

Piers Morgan seemed cocky. Stern questioned the Brit's creds, saying "I like you. ... But who the hell knows what you're going to do on here. They tell me you're a journalist."

Piers told Stern "I was a journalist for 25 years."

And big deal. Howard asked "OK. But people in America don't know that. What is your background?  ... As I said to your people, Piers was in England. To be successful in England -- very nice. But England's the size of Philadelphia. To conquer England it takes about two days."

Stern had conquered America. Morgan called him out "You call yourself the King of All Media. You don't even have kings in America. You're not allowed to be a king."

Stern predicted Morgan wouldn't last, saying "I heard a rumor that you were going to challenge me today. You wanted to be confrontational. You were going to say YOU are the best interviewer in the world. I'm glad you're confident. My friend, you have a lot to prove here. Here's my prediction: In three months you'll have fired your talent booker... I said, the first week is great. You have Oprah, you have me. What's going to happen three months from now when you're interviewing Scott Baio? Who's gonna care?"

The ratings on the second night of CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight was down from the Oprah Winfrey appearance premiere, pulling 1.27 million viewers for Howard Stern against Morgan's Winfrey's 2.1 million viewers.

The official statement said "CNN confirms that 'Piers Morgan Live' is ending. The date of the final program is still to be determined."

Morgan first broke the news to New York Times columnist David Carr, saying the show will probably end in March.

Morgan told Carr, "Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there's no doubt there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it. That's run its course and Jeff [Zucker, CNN President] and I have been talking for some time about different ways of using me."

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