‘X-Men Days of Future Past’ Cast Rumors: Scarlet Witch Not In The Movie! Blink Is A 'Dark Character' And The Future Is A Warzone!

Just a couple of months before the release of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" and we still need to talk about it. Director Bryan Singer gives some clarifications about some of the set photos and the new characters.

Den of Geek had a chance to visit the set, and Singer was kind enough to answer some questions:

Talking of uniforms, which are we going to see this time?

BS: In the past, less. Some, but less. In the future - you'll see. The future's more of a warzone.

It seems like a really cool move to inject the series with science fiction and time travel, and these big ideas. How do you translate such a crazy, wild comic book story?

To me, that's the thing that made it more appealing than just doing a sequel. It is somewhat a science fiction movie and a time travel movie, which I've never done before - it's a new thing, as opposed to another X-Men picture. That part is challenging and kind of fun. The key is making something where the past and the future can intertwine, and there's a logic to it. You get into a lot of stuff with that.

I thought I'd cracked it. I was talking to James Cameron in New Zealand, and I pitched it to him - I was at Peter Jackson's party. It was a real trip, one of the most fun conversations I've had in years. And he was really into it - he'd done time travel in The Terminator, so I said, "Okay, here's what I want to do with time travel", and I pitched the thing, and he seemed to approve. He gave me all the physics behind it. So yeah, it's trying to create a time travel film with integrity."

Singer tries to attract other viewers by emphasizing the time travel aspect. One of the dangers of handling famous franchises is that it can alienate those who are not X-men comic fans or readers. Before anything else, he would like to say that this is still a science fiction movie that everyone-comic readers or not-can enjoy.

"Speaking of powers, is this why Quicksilver's in it? Obviously he's being used by Marvel as well, so can you talk a little bit about that decision?

BS: He was in our script quite early. It's not a big part in the script , he's not there throughout the picture. Super speed's been played throughout the series - Twilight uses it... Can you bear with me for a second? [Consults monitors for a take]

I had some ideas of how to do the power, the speed, that I hadn't seen before. So I started development with super high-speed photography and stuff like that, so yeah. It's a fun character.

Is Scarlet Witch in it?

There may be a reference, but no, no. There are 26 main characters, and with seven of them, there were a lot of restrictions in terms of schedules.

I really wanted Peter [Dinklage]. If you're an X-Men movie, you can compete with another movie and still be in first position, but if you're up against a television show... Peter was in the script forever, but the reason he was announced so late was because I didn't want to announce the character until we had an actor. It took me so long to figure that out."

Quiksilver and The Scarlet Witch are siblings. They are part of the mutant world (since Magneto is their dad and they are mutants) but they are also part of the Avengers. This is why they will be in both movies. While X-Men focuses more on Quiksilver, the Avengers seem headed in the other direction.

Singer decides not to use Scarlet Witch in the film, but a mutant with super speed is almost a requirement in a time travel movie.

"Can you tell us about Bingbing Fan's character, Blink?

BS: She's a very dark character. She's more Mystique than Raven, and part of the movie deals with a battle for the soul."

Blink is one of the new characters from the future that will be introduced in the film.

x men days of future past
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