Project Ara: Google Takes Over Motorola's Modular Phone, Announces Conference On April 15, Handset Could Cost As Low As $50

Project Ara: Last year, the concept of a modular phone began when PhoneBlocs released a video about how it would revolutionary change someone's use and maintenance of a smartphone. 

Motorola later acquired the idea when it launched the Project Ara project. But now that it will soon be part of Lenovo, it is all up to its former owner, Google, to finish the job. 

And it seems the search giant is eager to pull this one off. 

According to a recent report by GSM Arena, Google has sent invites to an Ara Conference on April 15, probably to showcase a Project Ara prototype. 

However, the announcement became even more interesting when Google said that it would be 'designed exclusively for 6 billion people'.

In a report by Times, the Project Ara modular phone would be priced at only $50, which makes it the cheapest smartphone with at least midrange specs. 

So, does the Project Ara stir up the geek juice in you? 

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