Seth Rogen Congressional Testimony Aimed To Lobby Support For Alzheimer’s Disease; Comedic Actor & ‘Hilarity For Charity’ Founder Asks Gov’t ‘To Give More Hope’ [VIDEO]

Seth Rogen congressional testimony in Congress was intended to raise awareness for the crucial need for both funding and support from government for victims of Alzheimer’s disease. The comedic actor was at Capitol Hill to talk about the challenges of families coping with Alzheimer’s.

“People look to their government for hope, and I ask that when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease you continue to take some steps to provide more,” Rogen said in his opening statement.

Blending humor with his advocacy, Hollywood’s funniest stars said that he’s a “lazy self-indulged man-child” who founded a non-profit to raise funds and supporters for victims of Alzheimer's, “Hilarity for Charity.” The Christian Science Monitor notes that at the beginning of his opening statement, Rogen told the Senate Appropriations subcommittee chairman, Sen. Tom. Harkin (D) of Iowa, that it was a “little insulting” that the senator never saw his film “Knocked Up.”

Though Rogen received some laughs for his well-timed punchlines throughout his speech, he spoke of his challenging experience with his mother-in-law who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in middle age. He cited how difficult it was for her extended family to manage her tragic situation.

“I’ve personally seen the massive amount of strain this disease causes,” Rogen told the subcommittee, reports the Monitor. “I can’t begin to imagine how people with more limited incomes are dealing with this.”

The Christian Science Monitor said that Rogen’s appearance in Washington seemed effective, in a sense that it had a nice balance between substance and self-awareness and it didn’t drag on too long.

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