John Travolta Totally Butchered Idina Menzel's Name In Introduction; Didn't John Travolta Learn Anything When He Was a Sweat Hog?

John Travolta never met Idina Menzel. She wasn't in Mr. Kotter's remedial high school class and didn't have an easy nickname like Hotsie Totsie. But still, John Travolta has been dong line readings for a long time now. 

John Travolta, the 60-year-old actor from such movies as Pulp Fiction and Saturday Night Fever, botched the pronunciation of Idina Menzel right before she took the stage for the Academy Awards performance. Idina Menzel's fans have been having a field day playing with John Travolta.

Acting favorite John Travolta was introducing Idina Menzel before she performed Oscar-nominated song "Let It Go" from Disney's "Frozen" when he went off-script.

John Travolta called Broadway star Idina Menzel Adela Dazeem right before the 'Let It Go' singer's Oscars performance. Idina Menzel took the stage and continued with the show like a trouper. 

Adele Dazeem immediately got a personal Twitter account.

By this morning, the Twitter handle @AdeleDazim had 4600-plus followers and counting. 

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john travolta
idina menzel
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