Farrah Abraham Backdoor Teen Mom Update [VIDEO] Gets Legal Warning From Vivid Entertainment For Spreading Lies That She Was 'Drugged And Raped'--Steve Hirsch Has Had Enough

Farrah Abraham Bacdoor Teen Mom Update: Farrah gets a legal warning by Vivid Entertainment, the company that bought Backdoor Teen Mom, over the claims that Farrah made about being raped and drugged while promoting her sex tape 'Farrah Abraham Backdoor Teen Mom.' If Abraham is lying about the claims she will be in legal troubles with the respected porn company and will also be the most evil human being on the planet. How can Farrah fib about rape? CEO of Vivid Entertainment Steve Hirsch is fed up with Farrah promising that the Teen Mom was in fact having a blast while promoting the Backdoor and is now warning Abraham.

Vivid told Farrah, "We have become aware that you have made unsubstantiated and baseless implications and allegations of wrongdoing against Vivid. In particular, you have publically [sic] stated that you were drugged and raped more than once while on tour for Vivid promoting Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom," the letter reads from Vivid Entertainment. "These statements are defamatory toward Vivid and are strenuously denied in all respects."

Is Farrah Abraham actually lying about being drugged and raped with promoting Backdoor Teen Mom? Well Vivid CEO Steve Hirsch certainly thinks Farrah is spreading lies that could really hurt his business. Vivid is claiming Farrah is completely lying about these very serious allegations and wants to bust the Teen Mom once and for all for by giving Farrah a lie detector test. Vivid CEO Steve Hirsch is so determined to prove Abraham made up thet multiple rapes that he offered The Backdoor Teen Mom $1 million to take a polygraph test! If Farrah passes she can keep the money but if Abraham fails the test, she has to give back all the money she's made from the film and forego all her royalties from Backdoor Teen Mom and the sequel Farrah 2: Backdoor and More. It's an offer Farrah will probably refuse because she's Farrah, and Abraham ALWAYS lies! Hirsch is so insulted with the accusations by Farrah, he is defending the porn industry that Abraham has so thoughtlessly put on blast. He says he was around Farrah during all of her promotional events and that nothing bad happened to her. In fact, Vivid claims the Teen Mom was having a blast!

"I would be willing to offer [Abraham] a million dollars, a million dollars, to take a polygraph test and if she can prove that she was drugged and rapped multiple times for the backdoor teen mom promo then I would give her a million dollars," Hirsch says. He says he was around Farrah during all of her promotional events for Farrah Abraham Backdoor Teen Mom and that nothing bad happened to her. In fact, Vivid claims Abraham was having a great time while promoting her XXX flick! "I was around Farrah when she was doing all of her promotion for the Backdoor Teen Mom and I can tell you she was having a great time," Hirsch said. "I was around Farrah when she was doing all of her promotion for the first movie and I can tell you she was having a great time," Hirsch adds.

"She seemed to enjoy being around people from the adult industry and to now come out and say something different to me just doesn't make any sense," he said.

"I would be willing to offer [Abraham] a million dollars, a million dollars, to take a polygraph test and if she can prove that she was drugged and rapped multiple times for the backdoor teen mom promo then I would give her a million dollars."

Farrah had 48 hours to accept his offer and both parties could have agreed on who will perform the test. Farrah never responded.

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