Samsung Galaxy S5 Rumors: Korean Manufacturer Reportedly In A Hurry To Make Enough Fingerprint Scanners For New Flagship Device

Samsung Galaxy S5 rumors: While the Galaxy S5's design is pretty dull and even annoying, there would surely be some consumers who would get it no matter what. And we're talking about millions of customers here. 

That could be the main reason why in spite the poor reception it had at MWC 2014 in Barcelona, the Samsung Galaxy S5 will still become a widely-sold smartphone around the world. 

And right now, the Korean manufacturer is scrambling to be able to produce enough fingerprint scanners in time for the device's launch on April 11. 

According to a report by BGR, a Korean publication named Daum reported that Samsung is having big problems as far as fingerprint scanner supplies are concerned. 

The report claims that the company's supplier, Circletec has been having problems meeting supply demands. 

"Circletec is the largest manufacturer of mobile Optical Track Pads and produces a line of fingerprint scanners," says the report, which means Samsung is certainly in good hands as far as quality is concerned. 

But in terms of enough supplies, it may pose a crucial problem for the new Galaxy S5 and anyone who wants to get it. 

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