Windows Phone 8.1 Release Date: Cortana Voice Assistant Demoed in Short Clip, Shows How 'She' Prepares To Work With You

Windows phone 8.1 release date: Are you looking forward to WP's next major update? Well, for the past couple of months, it is shaping up to be the update to watch out for this year, not only for WP fans but also users of other platforms as well. 

For the past weeks, we've been seeing leaked images and clips showing how Microsoft has definitely heeded the call of users to make the platform a little less stiff. A couple of days ago, we read news that the background for the start screen would have several themes, which provides variety. 

Now, we see another demo video, this time showcasing how the voice assistant Cortana will work.

Several months ago, Halo's Cortana 'living' in a WP-powered handset sounded cool but not possible. But now, all that is left is to make the Windows Phone 8.1 update official. 

In the clip, we see that Cortana will only work once you sign in your Microsoft account. Then, 'she' would let you pick themes, details and other things which would let 'her' know more about you. By the time, you finished answering the short questionnaire, Cortana can now answer questions by connecting to a number of Internet-based applications. 

The newest update for WP devices is set to be announced at Microsoft's Build Conference next month. 

So did the demo clip excited you even more about the new Windows Phone 8.1 update? 

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