‘Ant Man’ Movie Cast Rumors: Patrick Wilson Takes A Hiatus From Horror Films To Join Paul Rudd In Super Hero Movie! Who Is He Playing?

'Ant Man' recently added to its cast. It's not the anticipated female lead, and the role has yet to be disclosed. Patrick Wilson from "Insidious" fame gets on board.

The report was an exclusive to Deadline. It was brief and concise, and there was no denial nor confirmation from Marvel Studios. It reads:

Patrick Wilson will join the cast of the Edgar Wright-directedAnt-Man for Marvel Studios, I hear. The film stars Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas and Michael Pena. Not sure what role Wilson will play at this point. He is coming off two fright franchises 'The Conjuring' and 'Insidious.' Wilson is repped by CAA and Anonymous Content."

The role that he will play has not been disclosed, but the speculation experts will not be a step late. From What Culture, the most plausible prospects would be:

"Eric O' Grady, the third Ant Man. Two of the three Ant-Men have been cast - why not go for the home run and cast the third Ant-Man, Eric O'Grady?

Eric was a SHIELD grunt who got hold of the Ant-Man tech and used it for his own selfish purposes. His Ant-Man series (written by Robert "Walking Dead" Kirkman) was called The Irredeemable Ant-Man for a reason: the guy was a degenerate slob! One of the first things he does when he discovers his powers is to shrink, jump into a woman's purse, and go home and watch her shower - oh, and that woman was Carol Danvers aka Ms Marvel!"

The humor factor won't run short, and this would mean an appearance by Ms Marvel, which has long been speculated to happen in the future.

There is also a view that he might not even be a separate character. It was already mentioned that older Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) will feature flashbacks. Wilson would be qualified for that: "Rather than exist as another character alongside Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas' Ant-Men, Patrick Wilson could be a younger version of Douglas - a young Hank Pym."

How will that be executed? What Culture carries on bravely:

"The film could explore Hank's life as a young man, how he got his powers, and how his experiments led him down the path to creating the artificial intelligence, Ultron. This film would follow The Avengers: Age of Ultron movie so audiences would already be familiar with the character, but some backstory as to how he came to be would be great. It might also mean we get a brief appearance of young Hank Pym in the Avengers sequel to set up Ultron's character."\

A connection to Ultron, which is the way it was on the comics. Could Marvel also backtrack on the idea that Iron Man created Ultron? That was never confirmed, so it's never too late to change it.

Ant Man movie cast rumors
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