Samsung News Update: Report Claims Korean Tech Giant Has Given Up 'Fooling' Benchmarking Apps

Samsung news update: Samsung may be the top Android manufacturer, and among the best smartphone makers of our time, but it sure has its own lows and losses. One of these 'losses' was when several tech experts and blogs accused the company of falsifying benchmark results for its devices.

According to a new report by Android Police, Samsung's benchmark-boosting days may finally be over as a system process has been taken out of the Galaxy S4 and Note 3 in an update.

A developer, Wanam, confirms it:

So, was Samsung really doing the wrong thing making its flagship devices run faster when detecting benchmarking apps? Or were they just scared because of the bad press it has been getting for the past months? 

But as was previously reported, it is not just Samsung that has done it. So why don't they take away such system processes as well? 

Hopefully, all mobile phone manufacturers have learned from this and will release new devices this year that would not provide 'special treatment' to benchmarking apps. 

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