Miley Cyrus’ Scandal Involving Her Tongue Is Nothing Compared To John Mayer And Russell Brand’s Tongues? ‘Adore You’ Singer Slams Katy Perry’s Love Life On Twitter

As opposed to the 'I Kissed a Girl' lyrics, Katy Perry appears to not like how Miley Cyrus kissed her during her 'Bangerz' concert in Las Vegas, Nevada.

While singing 'Adore You', Perry gave the former Disney star a simple peck to which Cyrus responded with a passionate kiss. John Mayer's ex-girlfriend reportedly pulled back for she was quite unsure of the 'Wrecking Ball' singer's tongue.

"That tongue is infamous. I don't know where it's been," she told an Australian radio show.

Liam Hemsworth's former lady love slammed back through her Twitter page. She apparently wrote a tweet pertaining to Perry's comment about her tongue:

Girl if ur worried abt where tongues have been good thing ur ex boo is ur EX BOO cause we ALL know where THAT been

- Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) March 6, 2014

Cyrus did not indicate though if she was pertaining to Mayer or Perry's former husband Russell Brand. Nonetheless, both men have had their own share of colorful love stories.

Mayer has kissed several women including Taylor Swift, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Simpson, Minka Kelly, Jennifer Aniston, Vanessa Carlton, Schaena Marie, Giada De Laurentiis, and Rashida Jones.

Brand's relationships, on the other hand, include Jemima Khan and Becki Seddiki to name a few.

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John Mayer
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus
Russell Brand
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