True Detective Season 1: Show Criticized For Being Misogynistic! Will Series Creator Change Their Treatment Of Women In The Next Season?

"True Detective" has developed a cult following. It has also sparked debate, not just on a 'whodunit' perspective, but also with regards to its treatment of women.

The show has been accused of being misogynistic as the women there are either victims, nagging wives and slutty mistresses.

However, a female TV critic from Slate seems to have deciphered the theme of the series. Willa Paskin writes:

"True Detective is explicitly about the horrible things that men do to women, things that usually go unseen and uninvestigated. No one missed Dora Lange. Marie Fontenot disappeared, and the police let a rumor stop them from following up. Another little girl was abducted, and a report was never even filed."

However, most so-called feminists continue to bash the show, and Nic Pizzolatto, the show's creator, tweeted about changing the way the show treated women for next season's story arc.

The tweet was shortly deleted. Pizzolatto explains on Buzzfeed:

"I deleted the tweet because I didn't want to be beholden to a promise and then change my mind. I'm writing Season 2 right now, but I don't want to divulge any potentialities, because so much could change. I just never want to create from a place of critical placation - that's a dead zone. So I don't want, for instance, a gender-bias-critique to influence what I do."

Time tackled the issue head-on. They mention that one or more of the characters' point of view, even if they're the leads, does not exactly constitute what the show is about.

From Time: "Just because Rust and Marty are sexist doesn't mean the show is, too, so let's all stop assuming writers endorse the bad actions of their flawed characters on television. After all, a show is more than its characters."

Time also had a copy of the deleted Twitter conversation: "Hey @nicpizzolatto if True Detective looked at feminine characters with the same lens as masculine, it would be PERFECT & MIND-BLOWING," he responded: "@friggenawesome One of the detriments of only having two POV characters, both men (a structural necessity). Next season..."

Time believed that Pizzolatto might have slipped: "He has since deleted the tweet, presumably because the producers thought he revealed too much."

We'll just have to wait and see, but the treatment of women in Season 2 is farthest thing from the minds of the show's fans. They would rather have the answer to "Who is the killer?"


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