‘Thor 3’ Cast Rumors: Lorelei And Sif Cameo On Agents of SHIELD Starts 'Asgardian Invasion?' Sequel To Feature The End Of All Realms?

'Thor 3' is happening! Marvel cannot contain the anticipation as Asgardians start appearing everywhere, even on TV.

The next "Agents of SHIELD" episode entitled "Yes Men" will feature Asgardian villain Lorelei and the lady Warrior "Sif."

The plot synopsis for the episode from Moviepilot:

"Lorelei the younger sister of Amora the Enchantress, will be the new villain in the next episode of Marvel's Agents of Shield. As we saw in the episode last night she has similar powers to her sister. Lorelei's great beauty and seductive manner enable her to persuade virtually any male god or mortal to do whatever she wants. Lorelei has some knowledge of sorcery, mostly pertaining to love charms and potions. Lorelei also possesses a petrifying kiss, transforming victims into a granite statue (Sounds like a much sexier Medusa). Now we also saw in the clip that Sif will be making an appearance. Could this mean more cameos in the future? Could we see Dr. Elliot Randolph return? For those of you who don't remember him, he was in the episode "The Well". He was the Asgardian who stayed on Earth and hid his staff from the mortals. He was played by Peter MacNicol."

The concept of Asgardians getting involved with the other realms (they refer to Earth as 'Midgard') is deeply entrenched in Norse mythology and it was portrayed in the comics. IGN gives thorough breakdown of what might happen: "..in Norse mythology, all prophecies eventually lead to Ragnarok. Ragnarok involves a terrible final battle in which all the gods die, including Thor. But Ragnarok is a cycle where death leads to rebirth. As such, the Asgardians have perished and returned several times in the comics, always being reborn to continue the cycle. Norse mythology is big on cycles.

So the big question right now is whether this is an element that can be explored in the Thor movies. In a universe where the Asgardians seem to be a race of aliens, can we still have the cycle of Ragnarok? Is there room for a character like Hela and afterlife concepts like Hel and Valhalla? The comics have dealt with several variations of the prophecy that Thor is destined to perish in battle with the World Serpent. Is there room for that sort of conflict in these films?"

More of Asgard's battles are being fought outside the confines of Asgard, and this could be a sign of Ragnarok. If this will be the path of Thor 3, it will shake up the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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