‘KUWTK’ Season 9 Update: Khloe Kardashian Emotionally Confronts Her Sisters About Her Marital Woes, Is She Ready To Walk Away From Lamar Odom?

The latest 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' Season 9 update is about Khloe Kardashian's struggles with regards to her marriage with Lamar Odom. In the March 9 episode of 'KUWTK', the brunette beauty emotionally confronts her sisters and tells them about her decision to file for divorce.

While Kardashian says she is very serious in cutting her ties from her troubled husband, what makes it even more painful is the basketball player's apathy. The distressed wife cries and tells her sisters that Odom seems not to care if she will push through with the divorce.

Even future bride Kim cannot help but cry with her sister. Kanye West's fiancée says she knows how hard Khloe fought for the marriage.

While Kardashian thinks that her husband is unconcerned, Odom's recent interview with Us Weekly shows his love for the  29-year-old actress: "I love my wife. She'll always be my wife, no matter what."

With the ordeal that she is going through, several fans have expressed their support for Kardashian:

"In whatever you do please do not listen to Kim or Kris...You are your own person...The marriage is yours not the family's...The decision you make should be your own...You love Lamar...We all saw what the two of you had.. It was the most pure thing in the family," says Virginia Wanyee

Makenzey Baker feels it is unfair for Khloe Kardashian to undergo such pain: "You are beautiful inside and out! You deserve to be truly happy again! No one should ever have to go through that. Especially when millions are watching it all unfold. Cried like a baby watching that."

"Khloe, once a cheater, always a cheater. He disrespected you once and he'll do it again. Give your heart to whoever deserves it. Clearly, he doesn't deserve you. You don't need anyone to belittle you the way that he did when he was on the show. Keep on moving and have some self respect for yourself," says Maria Velez

Do you think Khloe should finally walk away from Lamar?

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Khloe Kardashian
Lamar Odom
Kim Kardashian
Keeping up with the Kardashian
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