Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 13 Recap, Spoilers: Daryl And Beth Got Separated After An Attack; Did Daryl Meet The Hunters Or Did They Kidnap Beth?

Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 13 Recap, Spoilers: The episode started with Bob all alone in the woods with a long blade on hand and Walkers roaming everywhere. From there he walked and walked heading nowhere and looked for high places such as a abandoned truck trailer to sleep on and get safe out in the open.

A few moments later, while walking alone on the road he heard noises of a motorcycle and a car cruising near him and when he turned his head around, he saw Daryl and Glenn.

It was a flashback showing how Bob was before the prison group met him. He looked very pleased to see people and went with them to get a place to stay.

After the opening credits, Sasha, Maggie and Bob was seen in the middle of a foggy forest trying to survive a zombie attack with their backs up against each other they killed walkers left and right. After the attack, Bob was seen wounded but Sasha and Maggie was relieved when they learned that the blood was just from his gunshot and not from a bite.

The three went on after the fog cleared up and saw the train tracks that would lead them to Terminus, "A sanctuary for all, community for all; Those who arrive, survive."

They went on through and set up camp for the night somewhere and Sasha believed that Maggie's quest for Glenn might lead to nothing, as she believed Glenn did not survive. Maggie overheard what the two talked about and left alone leaving a note on the ground for Sasha and Bob, saying "Don't risk your lives for me. Good Luck".

Meanwhile, Beth and Darryl continued on to search the place for a place to stay and move on hoping that they could find their other friends. Daryl was teaching Beth how to use the crossbow and saw a Walker. Beth tried going near the Walker to shoot at its head but got caught in a trap and hurt her ankles.

The two eventually got out the woods and saw a cemetery with a mortuary in the middle. As they make their way into the safe house, Beth stopped in one of the tombs with a mark "Beloved Father". Daryl offered a flower to the tomb and the two paused for a while. Beth then held Daryl's hand in comfort and made their way into the house.

Beth and Daryl searched the house and found corpse lying around the house since it was a morgue. The bodies were rotting but didn't turn possibly because the people died before everything happened.

Daryl then saw a cupboard full of canned goods and drinks and took some of them to eat. He pointed out that the cans weren't even dusty signaling that someone might have recently packed them in there. Beth pointed out to Daryl that there were still good people around even everything was happening.

Later that night, while Daryl and Beth were busy eating up their food, they heard someone at the door and he opened it. Much to their surprise a group of Walkers walked in and had the two separated in the house. Daryl ran downstairs and told Beth to meet him at the back. After Daryl killed all the zombies he went out the house and a car rushed and Daryl went after the car running.

He took until morning running through the road and tired and exhausted he passed out by the road near the train tracks.

Back to Sasha and Bob, they tried to go after Maggie as they followed the tracks in hope to see her. They then saw a sign next to the Terminus banner written in blood that Maggie wrote, saying "Glenn, go to Terminus - Maggie".  This signaled the two to not be worried and continued to follow her.

Sasha then told Bob that it may be pointless to go to Terminus and would be a nice idea to stay on the next town that they would see and stay on top of a building so that no Walkers would reach them but Bob disagreed.

The two then got to the next town and saw a building. Sasha left Bob all alone walking to Terminus after he said that he's going to be alone again. The two parted ways after Bob kissed Sasha.

Sasha went inside the building and went up the highest floor and looked around. She then noticed after looking outside the window that Maggie was there lying on the ground. She dropped the windowpane from the top floor and Walkers all around began to swarm and saw Maggie. Sasha then ran down and helped Maggie. After clearing all the Walkers the two talked and said that Maggie overheard what Sasha said saying that Glenn is probably dead and decided to go to Terminus and catch up with Bob anyway.

Back with Daryl, he woke up still on the road next to the train tracks where a group of armed men woke him up with their weapons pointed on his head and exchanged words. The man, who said his name was Joe, together with his five armed friends, took their weapon down after Daryl took his crossbow down.

The group is believed to be the 'Hunters' according to rumors, who are a group hunting for people not be friends with but to eat them, as the apocalypse led them to be cannibals, according to the comics.

That ended the scene and the episode with Sasha and Maggie catching up with Bob and a cut scene of Glenn on the tracks seeing the sign of Terminus.

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