Lena Dunham In Twitter Storm Over Molestation Joke; Girls Star Breaks Nationwide With Not Ready For Prime Time Players on SNL

Lena Dunham's Twitter account grew with new followers after the Girls' star appeared on SNL this weekend. Lena Dunham's Twitter got mad hits, but Lena's followers hit back to tell Dunham no more molestation jokes.

Lena Dunham's Twitter got slammed this weekend after Lena made a casual joking about molestation.  The "Girls" star hosted "Saturday Night Live" this weekend and appeared nude, not that Dunhan hasn't done that for HBO, in a sketch about the Bible's Adam and Eve.

So one of Lena Dunham's Twitter followers out "You don't always have to get naked.."

Dunham tweeted, "Please tell that to my uncle, mister. He's been making me!"

Lena must have figured she went too far and took the tweet off Twitter, explaining, "I just made and deleted a not so great molestation joke. Sorry guys. I am really sleepy."

Dunham got overwhelmed by Twitter rage and tweeted back. Stars don't do that often. Lena Dunham has something like 1.45 million Twitter followers and she figured she must have offended somebody. The odds were too great.

In spite of what seemed like a sincere apology, Lena Dunham's Twitter followers were still feelingthe pain. One told her she wouldn't cut anyone else any "slack" if they posted bad jokes and excused it with a yawn, prompting "Not if they were a fifty year old man. But by my lights women can have a lot of joke flexibility. Ya gotta get by in this world (sic)."

Lena Dunham opened wide right away on SNL. Admitting in her opening monologue, "There is an old saying: If you're nervous about giving a speech, just imagine the audience naked. Or at least imagine that they haven't seen you naked."

After the show, Dunham partied with Taylor Swift at the SNL after party.

Lena told Twitter: "Cannot overstate how joyful this experience has been. I have always loved you Saturday Night Live, but now I am IN love with you."

Girls is currently in its third season.

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