‘The Amazing Spider Man 2' Plot Spoilers: Sequel Will Not Fall Into The 'Too Many Villains' Trap! Director Marc Webb Scrutinized Spider Man 3 Failure!

Since the villain Electro was confirmed for "The Amazing Spider Man 2" along with Rhino, skeptics were already shaking their head. It's another 'Spider Man 3' debacle.

Director Marc Webb understands the sentiment. The 'mishandling' of Spider Man 3 led to the death of the franchise and lost the momentum for comic book movies. Thus, Sony decided on a complete reboot.

After the success of "The Amazing Spider Man" Sony was pleased, to say the least and invested heavily in the franchise, greenlighting at least 3 more movies. Many fans of the Wallcrawler were confident that the franchise was in good hands.

However, the rumors of multiple villains and assembling the Sinister Six rekindled some nightmares for movie buffs and comic fanboys. Marc Webb spoke to the media at the SXSW movie festival in Austin. He addressed the growing concern and assured fans that this will not turn out like Spider Man 3.

From The Playlist: "It's about writing. We're aware of those movies and the complaints people had. The main villain is Electro. Every other villain emerges around that. We were careful to make sure the stories entertained. You had to make sure to create obstacles that were difficult to overcome. We wanted to make the physical and emotional obstacles difficult. Rhino is in it for four minutes so it's a legitimate comparison, but when you see the movie, I'm confident."

Indeed, one of the legitimate criticisms of "TASM" was that it was not too much of a visual experience, which was par for the course for super hero movies. But now that he has established the emotional connection with the audience, he allows himself some geek eye candy:

"In the first movie I was a little too reserved with the CGI, quite frankly, because I didn't want it to look too weird or awkward. There was a moment deep in the production process where a giant lizard smashes through a wall and I was like, 'This is not grounded.' And I made a decision that in the next movie I would embrace the spectacle and not be beholden to smallness. Not to reject the emotional stuff but I wanted it to be big and express and command that feeling you had as a kid reading the comics-that color and that bravado. I think in the second movie we've really maintained the grounded, emotional texture and combined it with spectacle."

Webb has the correct formula: Taking the good elements from the first movie, improving on its weaknesses and learning from the lessons of a failed attempt. Will he come up with the right mix?

We'll find out on May 2, 2014!

‘The Amazing Spider Man 2' Plot Spoilers
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