Alfonso Cuaron 'Believe' TV Series Collaboration With JJ Abrams Is His First Project As Best Director! Will It Live Up To The Hype?

Alfonso Cuaron became the first Latino to win an Academy Award for Best Director with "Gravity." The spectacular science fiction film set in outer space was a triumph, but Cuaron wanted a change of scenery.

From AP: "Well, first of all, I wanted to do something in which people were not floating.I wanted to do something more grounded, and we wanted to do it with real people, real locations. And I wanted to do something really exciting, but, at the same time, something that would be highly emotional."

He already had the idea behind "Believe" while he was waiting on the tedious post-production work on "Gravity" to finish.

The Academy Award winnder for Best Director and sci-fi auteur J.J. Abrams ("Lost," the "Star Trek" movies) act as the executive producers of "Believe," which is a drama about a child whose supernatural powers place her and the entire world at risk.

Abrams met Cuaron two decades ago. He admired Cuaron's work:  "I've wanted to work with him desperately ever since. I was a huge fan of every movie that he made, and each one made me more and more desperate to try and figure this out."

With Hollywood heavyweights behind the production, the expectations are sky high for the TV series. Thus, it would be a great challenge for both Cuaron and Abrams.

The plot synopsis for "Believe:"

"Since she was born, Bo (Johnny Sequoyah) has had gifts she could neither fully understand nor control. But now that she is 10, her powers have become stronger and the threat from malevolent forces that would use her abilities to control the world has grown more dangerous. With her life and future in jeopardy, Bo's protectors turn to an unlikely source to keep her safe - Tate (Jake McLaughlin), a wrongfully imprisoned death row inmate who's lost his will. Tate and Bo begin an extraordinary journey, changing the lives of everyone they meet as they keep moving to stay one step ahead of the sinister forces after Bo's power."

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