‘Believe’ TV Series Cast: ‘Spartacus’ Gladiator Plays CIA Agent In Pursuit Of Super-powered Child! Sci-Fi Drama Helmed By Oscar Best Director Alfonso Cuaron!

The high profile science fiction series "Believe" which is produced by JJ Abrams and directed by recent Academy Award Winner Alfonso Cuaron will feature 'Good Vs Evil' over a mystical child.

On the side of 'good' are the True Believers who vow to protect the child. On the side of 'evil' there are numerous elements (just like in real-life, they usually outnumber the good). Of course, there are terrorist groups and there's the government. We must emphasize that they are not one and the same.

On the government side, we have CIA agent and Black Ops specialist Niko Zepeda, played by Nick Tarabay, known as a gladiator from Spartacus.

He does not believe that his character is 'evil.' (Just like the government) In his interview with TV Equals, he defines his character as a man with a clear objective. In his own words:

"TV Equals: Zepeda is described as a constant threat to Bo and Tate. Would you characterize him as a bad guy or just a man committed to his job?

Nick Tarabay: I never judge my characters. I see Zepeda as very dedicated to his job and the work. If there is a job to be done, he will do whatever it takes to make sure it is done. Right or wrong, it isn't of any relevance to him. You know how in the military you don't question things, you just follow orders? For him, he is part of this program that has this great cause. The program's goal is to create peace, and whether someone is executing this for their own reasons, that is irrelevant to him. He is a very black and white kind of guy. There is no gray area."

However, he is open to the idea that his character may evolve as the series unfolds:

"My experience as an actor has been you discover the character as you go. I've seen characters start out one way and then become something else by the end. I think it's challenging in a good way. There is a great element of surprise that I love when I approach a new project."

The TV series receives a lot of hype just because of the big names attached to it. Tarabay wants people to watch the show for what it is:

"TV Equals: If you were going to pitch Believe to our readers in your own words, what would you tell them?

Nick Tarabay: They should watch the show because I'm in it...no, what I love about Believe is that it raises a very simple question asked by everybody: what is it that we believe in and how far would we go to make sure we get what we want? It's a beautiful love story, and ultimately it is about faith. Belief is at the core of everything we do in our lives. I would sum it up as, what do you believe in and how far would you go to make sure those beliefs come true?"

The pilot of "Believe" has already aired in the US over NBC.  

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