RHONY Ramona and Aviva Friends Again? [VIDEO] Real Housewives Of New York Blonds Bond Over Tequila Shots On Premiere Last Night

 RHONY Ramona and Aviva friends again? On Real Housewives Of New York last night, over tequila shots, Aviva and Ramona seemed to bury the hatchet...for now. After Aviva was constantly trying to make nice to Ramona on the RHONY premiere. Ramona finally gave into the leggy blond who felt 'really hurt' by Aviva last season ion RHONY.  Avivar, knowing alcohol is the way to Singer's heart, may have found the only way to make piece with the RHONY veteran that has loathes her since RHONY traveled to St. Barts last season..

First meeting at a party in New York City for teh RHONY premiere, Aviva was nervous to approach Ramona..and she had every right to be scared. Aviva acted like an insane person to Ramona.  After approaching Ramona, SInger was not letting Aviva be her friend again so easily. After constantly berating Ramona last season on RHONY, calling Singer 'white trash' and yelling at her for not putting up a banner saying 'Congrats Aviva, you did it...Rah Rah,' when Aiva flew into St. Barts, Ramona was reluctant to even converse with the Drescher ever again. But after a phone call, which appeared sincere enough, Ramona gave Aviva another chance to be friends again.

But Is Aviva trying to get in Ramona's 'good graces' because of Singer's long history with RHONY producers? As the only remaining Housewife after 6 whole seasons, Ramona Singer has a lot of clout with RHONY producers and Bravo execs. Remember what happened to Jill Zarin after crossing Ramona? So Aviva knows staying on the show means being friends with Ramona. Her enemies drop like flies on RHONY. SO over drinks with Aviva, Ramona softens and the two decide to move forward,  bury the hatchet, and try to be friends again. I mean Aviva, who rarely drinks, even took shots of tequila for Ramona. That's dedication.

Besides their truce,  the Real Housewives of New York premier was completely lifeless, with the same old storylines, problems and anecdotes as last season.

Ramona and Sonja, aka Ramonja, are still BFFs that bicker like sisters. Not surprisingly, Sonja is dating a much younger man named Ben. We barely see Heather or Carol, who want to keep an arms length distance from Aviva. Aviva is clearly the Real Housewives of New York target this season, but for good reason. She's entirely insane and has a stick up her butt as long as the statue of liberty. As soon as she saw Carol, she asked her for help with her book quicker than a New York minute. How rude!

Luanne is really gone from New York Housewives and her departure is bitter sweet. Feels like the end of an era for the Real Housewives franchise. Sonja has a plethora of interns, and for why exactly? And they can't even open the door for Kristen when she rings the bell incessantly. Where does Sonja find these girls? Nothing was unexpected. New Housewife, Kristen Taekman, is still figuring out her place within the Housewives after Ramona and Sonja told her how awful Aviva is. If Kristen is smart she will stay with her 'crazy aunts,' aka Ramonja, and stay away from the dark side.

It was interesting to see Mario Singer still with Ramona as we all know how that marriage ends up.

She filed for divorce this in January,  ending their 22 year marriage. After years of allegations, Ramona finally caught Mario cheating with a 27-year-old girl named Kasey Dexter in the Hamptons.

I think watching their demise is the only interesting part of the show.

What did you think of Real Housewives of New York tonight?

Will the new friendship between Ramona and Aviva actually stick?

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