‘Thor 3' Plot Spoilers: Thor Vs Loki In A 'Game Of Thrones!' Will They Unite Against A Bigger Threat? The Avengers Could Drop In!

Based on the timeline alone, it seems like "Thor 3" will be the designated movie to face-off against "Batman Vs Superman" on May 6, 2016. This is not officially confirmed, but if it holds true, the third installment of the Thunder god's movie should be explosive.

If "Batman Vs Superman" involves the Justice League, then "Thor 3" must incorporate the Avengers in some way. There are very plausible ways to do that, and there are many story arcs to follow from the comics.

IGN had a thought: "Thor: The Dark World made it clear what one of the main plot threads in the next sequel will involve. Loki has managed to impersonate Odin and usurp the throne of Asgard. We can almost certainly expect some sort of Man in the Iron Mask-inspired drama as Thor and his allies search for Odin and struggle to prove that Asgard's current ruler is an impostor. It's easy to picture a "race against the clock" element, with Loki-as-Odin using his ill-gotten authority to start a war between Asgard and Midgard or one of the other Nine Realms. Loki doesn't care much for those pesky humans, especially the ones that wear fancy armor or get big and green when they're angry. This would be a nice way of involving S.H.I.E.L.D. and/or the Avengers in a background role."

A "Game of Thrones" between the brothers, who are both at the height of their popularity would be the basic premise, but a war on Midgard (Earth) would precipitate the involvement of Earth's other heroes to defend it. Specifically, Earth's mightiest heroes.

Chris Hemsworth hinted that his character will have a lot on his hands. From Screenrant: "I liked that Thor has another universe or the universe to sort of take care of and keep him occupied. I think that in the comic book the sort of end of days, Armageddon aspect is probably the direction in which it will all head in. Where it's sort of the end of all things and there's obviously no script or anything when I read the comic books I thought it was an interesting way to go."

From a podcast from Nerdist, Marvel Studios big boss Kevin Feige hints that they have a definite focus on Thor: "What we're actively working on is Thor's next appearance in 'Age of Ultron.' Where he goes beyond that we have a lot of ideas. You're right that where we leave the characters in this movie sort of hints what could happen in the future, but we'll see where that goes after 'Avengers 2.'"

These are exciting times for Thunder god fans. The release date has not been confirmed, but according to the Marvel 'formula' of alternating between sequel and new movie (though that trend was broken with Thor 2 followed by Cap 2), Ant Man will be followed by a sequel, and 'Thor 3' would be next in line.

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