‘Interstellar’ Movie: Christopher Nolan Epic Already Predicted For Next Year's Awards! Will 'Inception' Director Finally Take Home An Oscar?

Christopher Nolan is one of the most renowned directors in Hollywood. With 'Interstellar' he may just have the right movie at the right time to win it all at the Oscars.

"Gravity" was the big winner in the recent Academy Awards with the biggest haul of awards. However, for the Best Picture award, faced with a sci-fi epic and a classic, period, Oscar bait, the Academy played it safe and went with "12 Years A Slave."

But "Gravity" has done its job. It showed that Science Fiction could win it all. In the next Oscar awards, Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar" will once again test the Academy voters-and they might have no other choice.

Indiewire had their premature Oscar nominations, and their analysis of Interstellar's chances was spot on: "Christopher Nolan has a spotty track record with the Oscars-several of his films have picked up major nominations and even wins, but only "Inception" managed a Best Picture slot, and the filmmaker himself has never picked up a Best Director nod. So most would agree that he's due for further recognition at this point, and there's a lot to suggest that "Interstellar" could be the one to provide it. From what we've seen in that brief teaser trailer, and from a flip-through of an early draft of a screenplay, it's less action-heavy and closer to something like "2001," "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" or even "Gravity" in its blend of sci-fi and some heavy emotional work. It has an awards-friendly cast, too: recent winners Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway are the leads, with Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Matt Damon, Casey Affleck and Ellen Burstyn among those supporting. It might be that its sci-fi origins prove a problem, but "Gravity" certainly helped to break down some of those barriers, and Nolan has managed to do pretty well with a movie about a man who dresses up as a giant flying rodent and a mind-bending sci-fi action film, so something more toned-down could be a potential juggernaut."

"Interstellar" may have something that "Gravity" doesn't-the relevance of the film spans more than the immediate cast. The Christopher Nolan epic is based on man's search for a more sustainable world. With the actors at his disposal, Nolan can make sure that this element will not be drowned out with all the calculations and wormhole discussions.

No one's placing any bets, but "Interstellar" will not be a 'surprise' contender. 

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