‘Noah' Movie Controversy: More Countries Ban Film's Showing!Biblical Epic Now The Target Of The Biggest Religions!

Taking on a religious topic is enough to make a film controversial. Any deviations from the Scriptures will result in an uproar, and Darren Aronofsky's "Noah" is today's prime example.

The auteur director has refused to make compromises. He has triumphantly declared that it was the 'director's cut' that will be released. Paramount is now treading on dangerous ground as more countries have banned the film due to their religious sensitivities.

The Associated Press gives a rundown:

"Director of media content at the National Media Center in the United Arab Emirates, Juma Al-Leem said, 'There are scenes that contradict Islam and the Bible, so we decided not to show it. It is important to respect these religions and not show the film.'" Al Leem also said that the censors have watched the film and conducted a thorough review before handing down the decision.

There are other countries following suit as the Islamic countries are a close knit community and the teachings when it comes to media are very strict: "Paramount Pictures told the AP that along with the UAE, censors in Qatar and Bahrain also have confirmed they will not release the film because 'it contradicts the teachings of Islam.'"

Pakistan may be another country that will follow suit. Also from AP: "Mohammad Zareef, an official with Pakistan's Central Board of Film Censors, said the government body generally does not approve films that touch on religion.'We haven't seen it yet, but I don't think it can go to cinemas in Pakistan.'" 

There are 25 Prophets that are named in the Quran. Noah, as we know it, is referred to as Nuh, who "built his ark after God charged him to do it as people in his community refused to worship God alone. While there are differences between the biblical and Quranic story of Noah, both mention a terrible flood and Noah's vessel saving a pair of each kind of animal" (AP)

Paramount hopes that the ban will spark curiosity for the film, as it did with one theater in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. From AP: " Clack Cinema manager Quds Manasra said.'The fact that some countries in the region prohibit it makes it the more fun to watch. The production is magnificent, the story is beautiful.'"

‘Noah' Movie Controversy
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