Real Housewives Of New York Aviva Drescher Gets Slammed By Cast Mates [VIDEO] Fights With Carol And Heather At RHONY Wrap Party While Ramona Singer Calls At Luanne De Lesseps

Real Housewives Of New York Aviva Drescher Gets Slammed By Cast Mates. The Housewives Cat Fights Continue At the Housewives Wrap Party and Confidenti@l got some great interviews with the Housewives who are still feeling the after shocks from the drama that went down all season. Carol and Heather had plenty of mean things to say about New York Housewives star Aviva Drescher even after the cameras have finished rolling, slamming the leggy blond to the media. 

When asked if Aviva was her least favorite cast member, Housewives star Heather Thompson said, "for sure.'" "It's very hard for me to say that because it's disappointing,' Thomson continued. "I guess I shouldn't have expectations, but I had really high expectations for Aviva coming into this season." Aviva then came over to Heather at the Housewives wrap party and the two Housewives quarreled. When Confindenti@l asked if the Housewives made peace, Heather said about Aviva, "It's a tiny bit of a pattern and it concerns me." According to the site, "Drescher gave a fake laugh and a dramatic eye roll the second Thomson walked away. Asked if that give and take ever gets old, Drescher unconvincingly said, '"No, I'm so used to it.''

Real New York Housewives Aviva Drescher and Carol are not getting along either. Aviva called out Carol saying, "She is so relentlessly angry and can't see the forest through the trees." The Housewives will duke it out all through the New York season over their books. Aviva claims Carol hired a ghostwriter for her books and Carol completely flips out about the accusation. Looks like the Real Housewives of New York stars have not made up.  Carol blames the constant Housewives fights on the booze saying, "If you're in a group, and even if your best friend starts drinking, you're like, 'Oh God, shut the f- up,' so there's some of that." 

RHONY star Ramona Singer Slams Luanne De Lesseps taking a dig at the Countess, calling herself the only remaining original cast member RHONY. Though Luanne and has been on the New York program since season one of Housewives, her current role on the show is only 'recurring,' so according to Ramona Singer, De Lesseps is no longer a housewife, giving herself the longevity title. Ramona said, "Well, LuAnn isn't considered an original. Luanne is just a part-time Housewife, so really I'm the only standing original...and the reason is I don't play for the cameras, I play for me," insinuating that Luanne hams ip up for the RHONY cameras.

Luanne, the expert of etiquette, had softer things to say about Ramona at the Real Housewives Of New York after party. "There's always been friction between me and Ramona, but we're in a safe place right now," De Lesseps said.. "We're not at odds for the moment. You never know with Ramona, you never know what you're going to get." That was tolerable, but what Heather and Carol continue to say about Housewives star, Aviva Drescher, is not as nice. 

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