‘Justice League’ Movie Cast Rumors: Flash, Arrow From CW To Join Superhero Team In The Cinema? Will DC Follow Marvel's Model Of Crossing Over With Their TV Shows?

As "The Flash" gets his own TV series in CW, the big question on whether the CW TV Universe and the developing DC Universe in the movies should be unified.

As the rumors about the Justice League characters continue to swirl, the idea that CW is also expanding at the same time to include more DC heroes (who are also Justice League members in the comic books) the suggestion to unify both universes is a convenient shortcut.

A suggestion from Moviepilot emerged on how the Justice League will be formed. This is pure fan speculation and not to be taken as a rumor, much less fact:

"In DC I've noticed a trend, and that's how heroes come in doubles. From the CW, we're getting Green Arrow and The Flash. Batman and Superman are obviously going to come in contact in this movie. That leads us to Green Lantern and Wonder Woman, and if they're going to have a history before this movie. This could just be a blind guess, but I think it's interesting to think about. Maybe the pair of heroes will have a history (you know, besides the Fast and Furious movies) and are working together in order to stop a bigger threat. I think Wonder Woman will get involved in the quarrel between Bats and Supes, and in the last scene introduce the CW stars and The Rock as Green Lantern 2. This would be the formation of our beloved Justice League."

However, IGN has called out this situation as 'problematic.' This is because Arrow has liberally used DC's Rogue's Gallery in their storylines. From IGN:"..the show is going to have to settle the matter of whether or not Batman exists in this world. Season 1 was entirely mum on that issue. And it was a sensible approach on the part of the writers. Green Arrow shares a number of similarities with Batman (the rich playboy dressing up and fighting crime, the secret lair and gadgets, the tragic origin, the gritty metropolitan setting). Calling attention to the fact that Batman exists early on is a distraction. It makes Green Arrow out to be a copycat or also-ran hero. And yes, the character pretty much was that when he started out in the comics, but there's no need to distract from Ollie's early evolution by bringing Batman into play."

Arrow producers admitted that Nolan's depiction of Batman was a heavy influence, however, if they were to remain faithful to Green Arrow in the comics, the character should be more similar to Iron Man. Screenrant describes it: "The comic book version of Green Arrow was a wisecracking activist and a ladies' man with a flair for Robin Hood-esque fashions and facial hair."

There is no definite stand on this as yet. Warner and DC have concrete plans but they are taking very cautious steps. In the meantime, their rivals continue to flourish on both mediums.

‘Justice League’ Movie Cast Rumors
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