‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Plot Spoilers: Should The Avengers Become Darker To Be Taken Seriously? 'Too Much Humor' Trivializes The Movie! Will They Kill Off A Major Character?

The first Avengers movie made more than $ 1.5 billion dollars worldwide. It is likely that Marvel will stick to the formula that made it a winner. However, viewers are starting to criticize this approach.

While it is marketed for a general audience, the adults who watched the film have raised the sentiment that it has become "too Disney." Of course, the marketing potential of a family film is a building block of all things Disney, but they should not forget that these are superheroes. They are supposed to save us from something. Without it, they are just flashier clowns in spandex.

A thorough review from What Culture focused on the Marvel Universe in general. Marvel has boomed because of the 'Iron Man' movie in 2008, which was part of the superhero genre's 'peak' according to A.O. Scott of the NY Times:

"Still, I have a hunch, and perhaps a hope, that "Iron Man," "Hancock" and "Dark Knight" together represent a peak, by which I mean not only a previously unattained level of quality and interest, but also the beginning of a decline."

With those three movies, there was a dark, violent and seemingly tragic movie, a light and humorous yet still serious franchise builder and another one just for satire. With regards to the decline, the interest has actually increased to unprecedented levels, but it's the quality that has dipped.

From What Culture, the flagship movie of Marvel was also the paradigm for what is wrong with Marvel: "..the real damage arrived with The Avengers: it literally felt like every few minutes, someone was saying a lame, cheesy one-liner, from, "Sir, put down the spear" to "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" On the other end of the spectrum, Bruce warning Alfred he'll tell the police Batman was Alfred's idea is hilarious. Lois telling Clark to be careful with her bags because they're heavy is ironically humorous. As charismatic as Robert Downey Jr. is, Tony asking: "Of the people in this room, which one is; A. wearing a spangly outfit, and B. not of use?" just doesn't hold up to what should actually be a mature film."

Was there a part of the movie that we actually felt threatened? Is it even a thriller anymore?

Joss Whedon, director and overall creative captain of the Avengers and quite possibly the whole Marvel line, has recognized this deficiency and has vowed to address it in the sequel. From Entertainment Weekly:
"They know as any good studio does, that without some stakes, some real danger, how involved can we get? We don't just rule it out across the board, but neither is the mission statement 'Who can we kill?' We try to build the story organically and go, 'How hard can we make it on these people?' You go to the movies to see people you love suffer-that's why you go to the movies."

Should the Avengers take a darker tone, or is that what makes them different from the other franchises? Warner has always been dark, and with Zack Snyder at the helm, they will only get darker and more violent.

The contention is that The Avengers is the most successful film (in terms of box office reception) of its genre. Why should it be the one to follow the other films? 

avengers age of ultron plot spoilers
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