‘Noah’ Movie Controversy: Pope Francis Cancels Meeting With Lead Star Russell Crowe! 'Gladiator' Actor Requested Catholic Leader's 'Blessing!'

The beleaguered 'Noah' movie has sought help from one of the most influential religious leaders-Pope Francis. However, the golden opportunity was cancelled.

The cast and crew of "Noah" including Darren Aronofsky and Russell Crowe were supposed to meet with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church but the Holy See cancelled the meeting due to logistics.

Variety has the report:  "The meeting was tentatively on the calendar for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday in the VIP section so the pope could figuratively lend a blessing to the $125 million biblical epic. The reason the Vatican cancelled it, according to a source, is over concerns word would leak, causing a spectacle as Crowe and Aronofsky landed in Rome.

When reached by Variety last week, Aronofsky said the meeting had been proposed, but it wouldn't happen if anybody reported or tweeted about it ahead of time."

Some of the issues that Christians had against the film "Noah" were enumerated in The Guardian:

Paramount Pictures has edited and re-edited Aronofsky's original to try to find a version that Christians will go crazy for, like they did for "The Passion of the Christ." Test audiences didn't like Aronofsky's own cut and they didn't like at least four others either - despite one of them featuring a religious montage and a Christian rock finale."

Christians want their prophets to appear infallible and to focus only on the aspect of the divine directive. Aronofsky, of course, wants to show the real person of Noah in its entirety.

The Guardian continues: "There were reports of people complaining about the scene in which Noah gets drunk and then curses his son Ham, who walks in on him naked and hungover. Even though that is pretty much exactly what happens in the Bible, according to Genesis, chapter nine. Many complained that the film inaccurately represented the biblical story upon which it is based."

'Inaccurate' has become a subjective term in this matter. While the Christians lament the portrayal, the Muslims on the other hand, will ban the film simply because it's Noah, who is also recognized as a prophet in Islam.

The report says that the film studio has raised their arms in resignation: "Paramount now appears to have given up on its efforts to market Noah to Christians, with the studio issuing a statement last month making clear that the movie is not intended as a direct translation. It also looks likely to be banned across large swaths of the Middle East and parts of north Africa for contravening Islamic rules on the depiction of prophets."

Countries like Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE and perhaps Egypt, Jordan and Kuwait will ban the film's showing.

"Noah" will be released in the US on March 28. It also stars Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly and Ray Winstone. 

‘Noah' Movie Controversy
pope francis
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