Oprah Winfrey Show To Soon Feature The Tea She Created For Starbucks Menu; Media Mogul Praises Starbucks For ‘Nurturing The Human Spirit’

Oprah Winfrey's show will soon feature the drink she exclusively created for Starbucks. Recently, the 60-year-old television personality teamed up with the coffee company to create a line of tea.

During the annual shareholders' meeting of the beverage corporation, Winfrey talked about her journey in creating the tea for Starbucks' menu: "I think we got it right". The new blend will carry the name "Oprah Chai Tea" and will be sold in all Starbucks and Teavana stores starting April 29.

Since the media mogul is known for her several advocacies, part of the sales' proceeds will be donated to youth education charities which also include her Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa.

The collaboration can be attributed to the time Oprah Winfrey's show 'Super Soul Sunday' had Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz as its guest. The two cheerfully talked about their love for coffee and tea.

"Savory and spicy chai, with its deep flavor, has long been a favorite of mine. When Howard Schultz offered to have me come into the Starbucks tasting room and create my very own tea blend, I thought that sounded like such a unique opportunity and fun to the tenth power," Winfrey said.

Finally, she praises the company: "Starbucks is not just a coffee company, it's about nurturing the human spirit."

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Oprah Winfrey
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