Justin Bieber Retiring After Egging Incident Plea Deal? Almost-Deported Twitter Addict Gets Charged With Misdemeanor

Justin Bieber will be charged with a misdemeanor in the case of the egging of a Los Angeles neighbor's house, The Star reports, leaving many fans wondering if he will consider settling down and retiring afterward.

Justin Bieber released his new "Life Is Worth Living" song on Instagram as Twitter rumors about Selena Gomez being pregnant continue to surface.

A Twitter and Instagram photo of allegedly pregnant Selena Gomez's ultrasound sonogram went viral, but HollywoodLife.com later revealed it was fake.

Justin Bieber also recently posted a photo of his new Banksy tattoo on Twitter featuring a young girl reaching for a heart-shaped balloon that has flown away from her reach.

The Instagram photo was captioned, "Controversial @justinbieber #banksy."

Justin Bieber's Twitter followers are buzzing about the "All That Matters" singer skipping out on his first Toronto court appearance after getting back together with Selena Gomez.

Defense lawyer Brian Greenspan, who appeared on the pop star's behalf in an Old City Hall courtroom on Monday, said he has "independent witnesses" who profess his client did not engage in any wrongdoing, the Toronto Sun reports.

"We will pursue our independent witnesses, we will compare them to the witnesses that will be provided to us in disclosure, and decisions will be made," he said outside court, according to the website.

Twitter rumors about Justin Bieber retiring are flaring after more attention is being brought to his deposition video and his embarrassing remarks.

Justin Bieber posted a Twitter message saying "Love how some people love to twist and justify the horrible action of others," leaving many fans wondering if he's considering retiring.

"They can't break us," he told his fans. "They can't get us down. We are too strong. We love too much. #mybeliebers."

Justin Bieber posted on Twitter and Instagram that he "loves music" as a petition aimed at deporting him continues to circulate.

The petition has hit over 260,000 signatures.

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