Nintendo Redirect Explodes On Twitter, Facebook, And Miiverse: Quality Of Life Hardware Could Mean Wii U Shutdown?

Nintendo fans are well aware of the company's struggles, and a new movement called "Nintendo redirect" aims to let fans express their wants and desires directly to the company.

Initiated by Youtuber Shokio, Nintendo redirect aims to go in several phases, the first of which began yesterday.

The goal of the movement is to use the hashtag #nintendoredirect (a clever pun on the popular Nintendo initiative Nintendo Direct) on Facebook, Twitter, and the Miiverse, and populate the space with what fans want.

In particular, this includes getting online play for virtual console games, party chat, game invites, and newer additions for classic titles such a F-Zero, Metroid, and Star Fox.

On Twitter, you can see a clear population of people trending the hashtag and expressing their desires toward Nintendo.

But as with every movement, it's been difficult for Nintendo fans to stay on topic, and even a counter-hashtag #NintendoShutDownRedirect has appeared, most likely generated by trolls.

Only time will tell if the redirect movement actually has any effect.

Meanwhile, Nintendo is attempting to regain their footing in the industry by announcing a mysterious "quality of life" hardware initiative.

According to Gamespot, Nintendo wants to improve users daily lives using non-wearable technology, and will introduce this product sometime next year.

When we use ‘health’ as a keyword, some may inevitably think about ‘Wii Fit.’ However, we are considering themes that we have not incorporated to games for our existing platforms," says Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata.

Some believe this to be Nintendo's way of shutting down the Wii U altogether with a new console, but only time will tell how far Nintendo is willing to go to salvage a dismal generation.

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