Emma Watson's Movies Influenced By Her Spiritual Beliefs? Did She Become More Religious After Filming 'Noah' Movie?

Emma Watson's movie, 'Noah', has already garnered mixed reactions from Christian groups even before its release. Such reactions even prompted Paramount to issue a statement explaining the film's aspiration.

"The film is inspired by the story of Noah, While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis," claims Paramount after being criticized if Emma Watson's 'Noah' movie will adhere to the real story.

The British actress will be playing the role of Noah's adopted daughter. In an interview with Telegraph, Watson says that he reflected on her faith prior to accepting the role:

"I already, before I did the movie, had a sense that I was someone that was more spiritual than specifically religious. I had a sense that I believed in a higher power, but that I was more of a Universalist. I see that there are these unifying tenets between so many religions."

Despite 'Noah' movie's naysayers, the 'Harry Potter' actress is proud to be a part of the Darren Aronofsky-directed film. Watson previously worked with Aronofsky on 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'.

 "I think it's amazing to make a film that celebrates faith and that gets a conversation going, because it's such an important subject," she told the Huffington Post.

Russel Crowe, who plays the lead role in the epic, previously defended the biblical film. He likewise sent tweets to Pope Francis asking him to watch 'Noah' and instead of a response, Crowe and Aronofsky got the chance to meet the pope.

"We've had probably over a year now of very harsh criticism from a bunch of people who have put their name and stamp on an opinion that's not even based on the movie or seeing the movie, just an assumption of what it could be or how bad it could be or how wrong it could be in their eyes, which I think quite frankly is bordering on absolute stupidity. Because now, I think, people are seeing the movie and they're realising how respectful it is and how potent it is," Crowe said.

'Noah' will officially hit theater screens on March 28.

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Emma Watson
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