Kate Middleton Pregnant Again? Royal Family Releases New Photo With Prince George Showing Admiration For Pet Dog Lupo

Is Kate Middleton pregnant again? While news about the Duchess of Cambridge's pregnancy continues to circulate, the royal family remains silent. Instead of releasing a statement about the rumors, the royal family opted to share an intimate family portrait.

Pressures on Kate Middleton's pregnancy do not seem to affect the royal family. In the said photo, both Prince William and Kate Middleton are dressed casually. Prince George delightfully stares on Lupo, the family's black cocker spaniel. The family is leaning on the window sill of their newly-renovated apartment inside the Kensington Palace grounds.

Jason Bell, who has likewise taken the portraits of other celebrities like Scarlett Johansson and David Beckham, captured the royal family's blissful moment.

Prince George will accompany his parents as they fulfill several royal engagements in Australia and New Zealand. Nonetheless, the eight-month old prince will not be included in all the events for his parents want to protect his privacy as much as possible.

To ensure their son's welfare during the trip, the couple will reportedly take Prince George's new nanny with them. The prince's caretaker is from Spain and is described by Hello! Magazine as a woman who is "known for being totally professional-married to the job." 

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Kate Middleton
Prince William
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