Wendy Deng Murdoch Divorce Vanity Fair Story Shocked Rupert Murdoch; Media Mogul Tells Fortune He Had No Idea About Tony Blair

Wendy Deng, Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife, hit the headlines after a recent Vanity Fair story about a torrid affair with former head Brit Tony Blair.

Rupert Murdoch revealed that he filed for divorce against Wendi Deng "as soon as I could" after learning about her alleged secret weekends with the British political hottie.

Rupert Murdoch told Fortune magazine that he was in "shock" over Wendi Deng's admiring notes about Tony Blair. According to Vanity Fair Wendi Deng wrote a note to herself about a fantasy man. Vanity Fair published a section reading "Whatever why I'm so so missing Tony. Because he is so so charming and his clothes are so good. He has such good body and he has really really good legs Butt ... And he is slim tall and good skin. Pierce blue eyes which I love. Love his eyes. Also I love his power on the stage ... and what else and what else and what else "

Former British prime minister Tony Blair has a nice butt. Who knew?

Murdoch said he was "shocked" to learn Wendy Deng allegedly kept diary entries about other men during their marriage, he told Fortune "I wish we could have just got divorced quietly."

When news about the Wendy Deng Murdoch divorce hit last summer, a rep for Blair denied the affair saying "If you are asking if they are having an affair, the answer is no."

But a year before the split, Murdoch biographer Michael Wolff wrote "Blair becomes one of Wendi's first official social conquests, in her developing role both as Murdoch social emissary and social power player. Wendi Murdoch becomes a curious wrinkle in the power equation - a way for Blair to see himself as having control of Murdoch, of joining with Wendi to handle him."

Wendi Murdoch has own career. Deng is the daughter of a factory director in Guangzhou, China. She came to the U.S. with the help of a California couple. The husband later left his wife for the much-younger Wendi Deng. She mastered English, climbed from a California commuter college to Yale's business school and eventually landed at Star TV in Hong Kong.

Murdoch said he was in Australia when he first heard that Deng had been meeting Blair. he told Fortune magazine "Well, you know, everybody was talking about these things and never telling me anything... But then I was told two pretty circumstantial things about the ranch [where Deng had been staying]. I was in Australia. When I got back, I naturally asked the staff, and it opened up. That's the story. And then, you know, a week later I filed. As soon as I could find a lawyer."

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