Emma Stone Movies Aim To Inspire Girls To Stay True To Themselves; ‘Spiderman’ Actress Believes Realness Can Help Someone Win A Ryan Gosling-Like Guy

Emma Stone movies undeniably have their own following and for this reason, the 25-year-old actress wants to make sure that she'll be able to inspire others through her craft. In her interview with Stylist magazine, she even praised women like Ellen Page and Jennifer Lawrence for being her inspirations.

"There are a lot of really brave women in the industry right now, who are daring to be themselves and not fit into this stupid 'actress' mould, and that's really inspiring. So yeah, a lot of things can change and I think a lot of people are beginning to accept change, in lots of different mediums,
which I'm really happy about. I hope I can harness that, in some way," said the 'Easy A' actress.

She confessed her admiration for 23-year-old Lawrence for her refusal to conform to Hollywood's so-called standards of a woman: "Well, I just think she's great, isn't she? She is so inspiring to me, and I am so grateful that she exists in this world, as someone who is authentic and who has not bent to fit any idea of what a woman should be like in that kind of position. And she is so talented. I am just so happy that she is around for women everywhere. It's just fantastic."

The Revlon ambassadress appears to be a big fan of staying true to one's self for she even advised girls on how they could end up with a guy like Ryan Gosling: "You would hope that being as authentic as you can be would win whoever was meant to be with you. Even if they happen to be Ryan Gosling."

Stone kissed Ryan Gosling when they were filming 'Crazy, Stupid Love' in 2011. In real life, the redhead is dating her 'Amazing Spiderman' co-star Andrew Garfield. The two have been dating for more than three years now yet they remain private about the real status of their relationship.

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