Wonder Girls' Yeeun Admits She Isn't Recognized On College Campus

Wonder Girls member Yeeun reveals her ordinary college life.

On June 9 broadcast of KBS ‘Do Dream’ she explains, "When I go to college, no one recognizes me as a celebrity."

On the show they asked, "Isn't it hard to attend school while being a celebrity?" She answered with, "After I became a part of the Wonder Girls I immediately went off to the U.S for promotions and had to take time off from school. I've just recently started going back to school."

She continued to explain that, "If I wear my hat and big jumper to school no one knows it's me until it's time for a presentation in front of the class."

Sohee added that, "When we don't have any schedules planned we usually text each other our schedules, but for Yeeun she always has class from 9 AM to 1 PM. She would sometimes post pictures of her and her friends eating and I would always be jealous of her college life."

Photo: KBS

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