Snooki Wedding 2014: Snooki Takes to YouTube to Announce She's Having A Baby Girl; Pink Balloons Fly As Snooki Tells Lorenzo To Be Ready for a Sister

Snooki Wedding 2014: Snooki revealed the gender of her second baby in a new YouTube video.In the video Snooki is seen holding her son Lorenzo before the big baby bump reveal.

Us Weekly reported that Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi announced the sex of her and fiancé Jionni LaValle's unborn baby in a YouTube video on Thursday. 

While holding her 20-month-old son Lorenzo, Snooki opens a bin a to release a bunch of pink balloons and asks her son, "You ready? You're gonna have a sister or brother. No, you don't want it now? You want to be an only child? Well, you're not."

"Well, there you have it," Snooki said in the video. "We're having a little girl. I don't know how to feel about it: I'm terrified but we're really, really excited."

Snooki is getting married in October just one month after the Snooki baby due date. Snooki is due to give birth to her second child in September.Snooki, who announced she was pregnant for the second time in early April, is still in the early stages of her pregnancy. She previously stated that she and LaValle have been trying to have a second baby since last November and were taking pregnancy test every month.Snooki previously told Extra "If it's a boy or it's a girl, as long as the baby's healthy, we're gonna be very, very happy. But me and Jionni would like to have two boys."

"Everybody in our family has a boy and then a girl, or a girl and a boy, so we kind of want two boys to switch it up and make it different," she explained. "Plus, I'm not ready to have a miniature me. I don't need a diva telling me what to do. I'm not ready for that."

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Jionni LaValle plan an extravagant wedding. The couple have been engaged for about two years. They are expecting their second child together. The star of "Snooki and Jwoww" has been showing off her baby bump while she's been steadily working out.

Former Jersey Shore star Snooki says she plans on trying to work out every day until she gives birth.

She told E! News, "I love working out. Just because I want to have a healthy, fit pregnancy, but also I'm getting married really close to when I give birth. So I want to be able to squeeze in my dress and not look like a hippo."

Snooki recently said "My bump had definitely popped a lot more and it's adorable. I do have my days where I cry in Indian style over nothing, and scream at Jionni like he had an affair, but other than that I'm good!" said Polizzi. "No one ever has a perfect pregnancy, but I'm perfecting mine!"

Polizzi previously stated that her and LaValle "were trying to have our second baby since November, so every month we kept taking tests. I'm due in the fall around my wedding time, busy year!"

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