‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot Cast: Sue Storm Adopted? Reg E. Cathey Joins As Storm Patriarch! Interracial Family Represents Modern Times!

The "Fantastic Four" reboot film is leaving no stone unturned to increase its appeal on the younger audience. Aside from the age issue, it is also reaching out to a diverse audience.

The latest addition to its cast is Reg E. Cathey, formerly of "The Wire."

Variety has the first report: Reg E. Cathey has joined the cast of 20th Century Fox's The Fantastic Four reboot.

Cathey, who is best known for his role as Norman Wilson on HBO's The Wire, will play Dr. Storm, the scientist father of Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan) and Sue Storm (Kate Mara).

The Marvel superhero film will serve as a reunion for Cathey and Jordan, as Jordan got his start on The Wire."

One detail that has definitely not gone unnoticed: Michael B. Jordan is black and the actress who plays his sister, Kate Mara is not. Jordan is the deviation from the Fantastic Four norm, and in the past movie series, it was Chris Evans who 'flamed on.'

But it seems like they're taking the opposite path. With Cathey's casting, it will be Kate Mara who's adopted, not Jordan. The interracial family is yet another deviation to have more 'modern families' relate to the cast.

The Hollywood Reporter analyzed the FF reboot situation. It has already gained negative publicity with the casting choices. There were even rumors that Josh Trank was already taken out of the movie-which Fox has vehemently denied.

THR actually encourages the changes pointing out that while the Fantastic Four is considered 'canon' it lags behind in terms of being 'current.' It is best to experiment and let Josh Trank experiment-even though the actors have multiple movie contracts on the line.

THR: "Purists may be outraged, but they're already there, complaining about a black Human Torch or an Invisible Woman who's older than the rest of the team. That's fine. There's no way to make a Fantastic Four movie that remains faithful to the original comic today, anyway; the team's original origin centered around the characters trying to beat the Russians into orbit with one character saying "We've got to take that chance... unless we want the Commies to beat us to it!" with worrying sincerity.

We've already seen what a Fantastic Four movie that tries to recreate the comic book is like, in 2005. We've also seen what director Josh Trank can do with superhero tropes when he doesn't have to worry about pre-existing continuity or expectations. The best thing Fox can hope for from the Fantastic Four reboot is that Trank follows his instincts, and doesn't try and give the audience what it thinks it wants."

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