JYJ Member's Text Messages Revealed!

Text messages between JYJ members have been revealed.

On June 15, Jaejoong posted on his twitter, "I was looking through my text messages...we are so cheesy...3 guys talking like this...oh! I suddenly gained strength from it though!"

In the picture, the conversation between Jaejoong and Yoochun shows that on March 14 Jaejoong texted, "I wanted to stay up all night with you and cry with you. I'm sorry, I love you.” March 14 was the day that Yoochun's father had passed away.

Also, Junsu posted on his twitter, "Here's a picture of a text I got from Jaejoong...He must've been busy with his drama and yet he monitored my new MV for me. He is such a great friend.”

In the text, Jaejoong writes, "Hey Junsu, I monitored your MV yesterday. It was so amazing!" Junsu replied back, "Thanks so much brother!"

In addition, Junsu also stated, "I also want to thank Yoochun for always bringing me up whenever he is doing a drama interview. I am so thankful to be a part of this team. I am a lucky guy.”

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