Girls’ Generation (SNSD) Praised for Splendid Debut Performance of ‘PAPARAZZI’s on Japanese TV

Girls' Generation made their first appearance on "Music Station" to perform new song "PAPARAZZI" on June 22.

On this day's broadcast of "Music Station," before the performance played a video of Girls' Generation international promotions, introducing them with the line "They are performing "PAPARAZZI" for the first time after a year and two month."

Girls' Generation also commented "We were anticipating and waiting for our meeting with Japanese fans, and we are so happy to see everyone." They also showed the point dance for "PAPARAZZI."

On the other hand, Girls' Generation caught the attention of Japanese fans this day with their perfectly synchronized moves and lean body lines. Their maid outfit matched with pink gloves left a strong impression.

Those who saw the video commented "Even the pink gloves are sexy on SNSD," and "They are treated as top stars in Japan."

Photo: Asahi TV

Girls Generation
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