Fallout 4 Troll Speaks False Rumors Amidst E3 Release Date Heartbreak: 'Most People On The Internet Are Gullible'

Fallout 4 has been the source of much disappointment for Bethesda fans, and one perpetrator of such heartbreaks is speaking out during the latest E3 controversy.

Meet "Jesse," the anonymous rumor starter who has been the source of many Fallout 4 rumors and hoaxes since Bethesda has been keeping quiet on the release date matter.

"Generally, most people on the internet are gullible, and fall for most things," Jesse said to Kotaku. "This is how I get rumors to spread. All it takes is one person to see it, believe it, and tell his friends. Some of his friends believe it, and they tell all their friends. Before you know it, it goes viral."

The latest rumor started by this troll is that Fallout 4 was secretly shown at the 2014 E3 convention, based on a fake memo Jesse created allegedly from Bethesda.

"Even within minutes of posting nonsense, you'll get hits," said Jesse. "I then have a false account tweet a link or two, occasionally use the false Facebook account to post on a few people's walls."

"From there, if it's plausible, it spreads and gets picked up by small sites. At this point Google picks it up as one of the first results. If you searched 'Fallout 4' right now, within the first page are several references to the memo."

Meanwhile, Bethesda spokesman has been trying to appease Fallout 4 fans by explaining-indirectly-why the game was not at E3 2014.

"I sort of tell people we're figuring things out. We're taking our time. We want to wait until it's really there to show it to everybody. We'd rather say, you know, 'Surprise, boom, here it is.' I enjoy those moments for other games so we'd rather hold back and wait and just surprise everybody."

Fallout 4
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