Real Housewives Of New York City Recap [VIDEO] Aviva Drescher Shows More Fears Phobias And Fakeness As She Misses RHONY Trip To Montana


Real Housewives Of New York City Recap: Aviva has truly ruined yet another episode of Housewives. New York Housewives was painfully boring and probably the most disappointing episode to date. Enough with these stupid trips and just stay in New York where the Housewives belong! It is not entertaining to watch the ladies ride horses, and it is not interesting to watch Aviva Drescher complain the during all of her scenes. It is not at all surprising that Aviva would make up another BS disorder on Housewives to get out of going away with the other ladies. This time Drescher all of a sudden has 'moderate to sever asthma' and can't go to Montana because of the altitude and horses. Drescher is ruining Real Housewives Of New York City! Bravo just doesn't quite understand how much Aviva is trashing our beloved show. Housewives execs think that just because we dislike a Housewives character, it means we enjoy hating them. That's not true! Sometimes we just dislike them so much, that we refuse to tune in. And if Aviva Drescher isn't through messing with our show, that's exactly what I'm going do...tune out.

Aviva, her phobias, and the way she screams at the other Housewives are getting older than Sonja Morgan's teeth on the Real Housewives Of New York City. When the ladies arrive in the Missoula airport, they find a wheelchair with Aviva's name on it. Heather can't believe she reserved it for herself before she cancelled like Aviva is incapable of walking through an airport! Carol says even when she's not there, she's being dramatic.  Drescher is faker than Lisa Hochstein's face and her book will be as genuine as Brandi Glanville's cheeks. Yes, it's sad what happened to Aviva Drescher as a child, but enough is enough. If she wants to be treated like everybody else, like she said in her very first episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, then maybe it's time for Aviva to shut up about her leg and zillions of phobias! This week Aviva blames asthma on why she can't go to Montana. It's so obvious that Aviva is dillusional. But her husband enables Drescher and lets her get away with acting completely insane. it's unclear if Aviva will be returning next season. Aviva Drescher said herself, "But right now what happened was, I didn't go to the Berkshires because I had to go visit my kids at sleepaway camp so I didn't film that weekend. "I'm going to be on the rest of the season. ... But if they do ever fire me, it's not something I would get depressed about. I could live with that."

 I don't know who disgusts me more; Aviva or her creepy, nasty dad? Aviva pulls out a nasty texts about a threesome during a charity event, but her yucky father is the one spreading the false rumors that he was intimate with the present Miss USA. So who is actually worse? Though Ramona was very rude to his fiance, bringing up her deceased parents at her engagement party, he still gives me the creeps  Aviva Drescher really needs ger be fired from Real Housewives Of New York City.   There have been rumors for a while that Drescher could be fired because she didn't attend the RHONY madatory trips with the other Housewives during the season. But According to Rumor Fix, there is no truth to the rumors and Aviva is still going to remain on Real Housewives. Damn! Thought we could finally lose the crazy blond for good. We'd would love Aviva to get the boot! 

LTK wrote me: Wow, if Aviva is not fired from the HW show that tells me the show agrees with everything George and Aviva did. Her and her pervert pops did serious sexual harassment on the show like no other HW show on Bravo. Aviva doesn't even know how to act or talk to the other ladies in a civil manner. She always tries to play the victim and all the ladies are out to get her. Gee, I wonder why! She is 100% useless and has no solid storyline to speak of outside of pervert pops at her side to help her. See what do you get when your dealing with low life garbage and a true nut job. And she get's a paycheck for acting insane and nasty? What is bravo thinking with this crazy witch. She is like a flesh eating germ waiting to get her next victim. Not a fan of Aviva, and never will be. 

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