Francis Bean Cobain Takes To Twitter To Remind Lana Del Rey Dying Isn't All That Glamorous, 'I Never Knew My Father Because He Died Young' [PHOTO]

Growing up in the shadow of celebrity parent is difficult, growing up in the shadow of a dead celebrity parent who changed music permanently and has helped literally every teenager who ever had angst, must be impossible. Francis Bean Cobain seems to be handling it well. Francis Bean Cobain has gotten into a spat with singer Lana Del Rey after the singer said she "wished she was dead already," in an interview where she also talked about the death of musicians as glamourous. 

Francis Bean Cobain tweeted.

"@LanaDelRey the death of young musicians isn't something to romanticize (cont)

@LanaDelRey I'll never know my father because he died young & it becomes a desirable feat because ppl like u think it's "cool"(cont)

@LanaDelRey Well, it's fucking not. Embrace life, because u only get one life. The ppl u mentioned wasted that life.Don't be 1 of those ppl

@LanaDelRey ur too talented to waste it away."

When Lana Del Rey's fans struck back, because this is the internet, at her she responded. 

"@westcoastkilos @LanaDelRey I told her to not waste her life. How is that attacking. I literally said embrace this life because u only get1"

"I'm not attacking anyone. I have no animosity towards Lana, I was just trying to put things in perspective from personal experience."

Del Rey has said of the interview, "That's just how I feel. If it wasn't that way, then I wouldn't say it. I would be scared if I knew [death] was coming, but..." she said.

However, last week she angrily commented on the interview, arguing that journalist Tim Jonze's questions were "calculating" and "misleading".

"Maybe he's actually the boring one looking for something to write about," she said of Jonze, in a series of tweets, which have since been deleted.

Del Rey's "Ultraviolence," has been released and is currently climbing the charts. 

Lana Del Rey
Francis Bean Cobain
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