Farrah Abraham Fired From Teen Mom! [VIDEO] Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell And Maci Bookout Won't Film MTV Show If Porn Star Rejoins The Cast

Farrah Abraham Gets Fired From Teen Mom! Abraham tweeted that she's 'Over Teen Mom' then followed up her moronic tweet with 'Glad I moved on' but Farrah is clearly delusional and has lame attempts at saving face becasue Abraham didn't move on from Teen Mom....she was pushed! Farrah wasn't the one making that decision because MTV fired her before she could decide her own future. MTV Teen Mom has made a very mature and noble decision throwing out their the poorest mom to date on their hit reality show, even if ratings for Teen Mom go down without controversial Farrah. She may be a terrible mom, but Abraham does bring in the numbers. For their for upcoming new season, Farrah won't be a part of the cast that made Abraham famous. Farrah, the teen mom turned raunchy porn star turned horrible song maker, is finally gone from Teen Mom with a little help from her other Teen Mom co-stars. Farrah Abraham makes Teen Mom appear low class, even for a show about 16 year-olds being knocked up. MTV Teen Mom has 'willingly cut Farrah out of negotiations' for the new installement of Teen Mom. If Farrah wasn't fired, the other Teen Moms were going to walk away from the show and MTV couldn't afford that happening. They took the ultimatums very seriously, and now Farrah Abraham has been fired from Teen Mom for good! Farrah Abraham is already in a heated legal war with porn production company, Vivid Entertainment, because Farrah is threatening to spill their secrets and strategies in her new book, 'Celebrity Sex Tape.' Abraham now acquires some more haters. Farrah had her Teen Mom co-stars revolting against her possible return and nobody can blame these Teen Moms for wanting to keep Farrah as far away from them as possible. Farrah Abraham is nothing but trouble and could hurt the docu-show. I agree with her co-stars and think Farrah should get fired from the show and if I had my way she's get fired from this entire planet!  MTV took the Teen Mom ultimatums extremely seriously, believing the Teen Mom stars were not bluffing with their threats. 

They need these Teen Moms to create their all-star cast and losing just Farrah Abraham is better than losing the other three Teen Mom stars all at once. Teen Moms Amber Portwood, 23, Catelynn Lowell, 22, and Maci Bookout have all demanded that Abraham be fired from the show or they refuse to be on another Teen Mom installment. Though Portwod has had her share of troubles, she has come out on top unlike Farrah who is only taking a nose dive. When Farrah was asked how she felt about the Teen Moms dissing her involvement, Abraham said, "I have my own life." Yes, porn. And your amazing music video for 'Blowin.' Very classy Farrah. Teen Moms wanted Farrah gone from their beloved show believing that Farrah Abraham makes a mockery of the teen pregnancy and young motherhood MTV documentary. They wanted Farrah out of their lives after making multiple porn movies, having extensive plastic surgery, and neglecting her own daughter which makes Teen Mom look horrible. They wanted nothing to do with Abraham and feel she is a bad role model for their viewers and their own children. "They don't want their kids on a show where someone's talking about sex toys," a source told Us Magazine about Farrah Abraham's unwanted involvement on Teen Mom. And the three other Teen Mom co-stars won the war, because MTV listened to them and now Farrah is gone. But Abraham has more haters than just her fellow Teen Mom co stars and MTV. The porn company Farrah used to do business with is after her too. Vivid Entertainment is also ready to sue Farrah for breaching her confidentiality agreement when they bought the right to her porn movie!  Abraham is writing a book trying to expose secrets about the porn industry and Vivid is ready to take down. Farrah Abraham has so many people that want her gone, that it wouldn not be surprising if we we don't hear from Farrah for while. 

But we could only be that lucky to get away from Abraham for a while. Farrah needs attention so bad that she just won't go away! Trying to bite the hand that fed Abraham is totally disgusting of the Teen Mom, but we expect nothing less from the reality star turned porn queen. And Abraham also has a new erotic novel in a triology of books trying to expose the entire porn industry. We are all very impressed with your work, Farrah. After Teen Mom, Farrah Abraham was not done making a fool of herself on television. Farrah just keeps needing more and more attention to feed her increasing low self worth. So Abraham was cast in another reality show, VH1 Couples Therapy, where Abraham arrived to the show without a partner! Farrah reportedly made up an entire relationship with Brian Dawe to be able to be on the show. Farrah has also made a name for herself by constantly telling lies, being a terrible mom whom waxes her 4-year-old daughter's eyebrows, and making raunchy porn movies that nobody can stomach. Farrah is a terrible influence and an even worse mom. Getting wrapped up in trash like her is not good for any of the Teen Mom starlets. I'm proud of the other Teen Mom stars for holding their ground. If MTV refuses to get rid of Farrah, then they should not be in a show with such a classless trashy mom. To her Teen Mom haters Abraham replied, "Personally, I'm BLOWIN' them away." I guess that's a pun about her new music video, which you can watch above. But warning: you can not get back that 3 minutes and 32 seconds back from your life from your life and Farrah will somehow make you lose quite a few brain cells.

"I was happy my daughter wanted to be in the last scene of the day," she said. "I make my music so Sophia has fun with upbeat music that has meaning."

As for her new single, 'Blowin,' Farrah claims she didn't need much help in making the tune. "No auto tuning for me," Abraham added (and lied about). "Personally, I sing how I sing and keep it that way because one day I might have to perform this live, so it's about keeping it authentic." HA!

One of my readers wrote me: Wasn't Farrah bragging on her MTV spcl 2 a reporter sayin "I'll always be a Teen Mom"?! She doesn't even have the brain capacity 2 realize that the title of her book "My teenage dream ended" is a harsh dig at her own child!! Typ example of 2much publicity isn't good publicity. She ruined herself, her reputation & no one in the Reality Biz will ever give her a gig again! She's just a low level porn queen & a pathological liar! Even tho watchn her lie all the way thru CT & seein her terrified face thinkin she would be exposed, was so funny & addicting. Ppl don't like bein lied to. Ppl don't like women who don't put their child 1st. That's why ppl don't like Farrah Abraham & at 23yrs old she's a has been.

'Eggroll' added: She is pretty crappy. She got a taste of being a tiny bit popular. She's on a down roll spiral. I see drugs and booze in her future.

'The saint' wrote: I guess her choices haven't been the best & it does look from an external perspective that she is very vain yet deceiving herself & legging her whole family down but at the same time she & they probably forsaw this type if thing happening.,

I don't think she's a good mum as it always seems to be about her and not her daughter which I feel is terrible parenting as she is teaching her daughter all the wrong things.

Another thing I feel is wrong and actually quite disturbing is how she gets all emotional about Sophia's dad who she broke up with & wasnt even caring about at the time until he died & that is very wrong ! Her mum never stops speaking carp either! Farrah a word to the wise spend more time with you're daughter& less telling lies & broadcasting ur life to the media Hun .If u believe in karma its time to stop ur daughter is an innocent pawn in ur sadistic games stop now before you end up ruining ur entire life ur daughter has to live with the choices you have made & that's not fair as she is innocent .
Stop using ur past to create a future just work honestly & u will find happiness ur doing it all wrong& tbh its not only an embarrassment but its such a shame fir Sophia .,

Do you think the other Teen Moms are right in trying to get Farrah fired? 

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