RHOA Phaedra Parks Misses Husband Apollo Nida Trial! [VIDEO] Real Housewives Of Atlanta Star Absent From Husband's 8 Year Jail Time Sentencing Fueling Divorce Rumors

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RHOA Phaedra Parks Misses husband Apollo Nida Trial! Wow, Real Housewives Of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks must be really upset with Apollo. His attorney wife was too busy to make the biggest trial of his life? Nida was sentenced to 8 years behind bars, and if being thrown in prison isn't bad enough for Apollo, Phaedra didn't even attend her husband Nida's fraud court case? What devoted wife skips their spouse's trial? As Phaedra misses such a scary day for her husband we all have to speculate that Parks and Nida are no longer a couple. Most likely, Phaedra will not be waiting for husband Apollo to get out of prison. My prediction is the RHOA southern bell will toughen up and move up rather hastily. If she's smart she'll forget all about Apollo rotting in jail and ask Bravo to start documenting her family dealing with life without Nida. Phaedra is no fool and knows how to make money out of anything! Phaedra must be sctratching her head wondering why she picked Apollo to be her husband and father of her two little boys as he goes to jail for a thrid time after Tuesday's trial. Back In May Apollo was candid about his relationship with Phaedra admitting, "I would like to say I would want her to stay around and do what a wife should do. But tomorrow's not promised." Sounda like Nida is well aware that Parks committment is fleeting (as it should be). The 8 year outcome is sad, but well deserved and even a little light considering Nida was facing 30 years in jail for Nida stealing the identities of more than 50 people and laundered more than $2.3 million. Prosecutors say that Apollo, along with a few other criminals, also took out phony auto loans and created fake documents and websites to secure them. Apollo's partner, who was also charged with fraud alongside Apollo, has just received 5 years in jail.

Now Apollo Nida will soon begin his third stint behind bars as he further misses freedom in life and underutilizes the rare platform that wife Phaedra has successfully made for her family. Very very sad. Apollo Nida was previously convicted and sentenced to jail for racketeering and began serving his sentence July 28, 2004. He served nearly 5 years of his 18-year sentence before being paroled in May 2009. Apollo ALSO served close to 5 months from December 29, 1998 to May 14, 1999 for theft by receiving stolen goods.  Apollo has admitted that he had a difficult childhood which included watching a family member die from a heroine overdose when he was a kid. It's a sad story and we wouldn't wish that on any child, but is a bad childhood an excuse for Nida to continuously break the law, violating elders' social security benefits, and hiring another to go along with Apollo and his schemes? Nida knew he was on RHOA! What is with these Housewives stars? Are they trying to financially keep up with each other? Don't reality stars realize everything they do will be put under a microscope? If you're going to break the law, you shouldn't be on television for the world to stare at you, right? Didn't think that ever needed to be said, but Real Housewives Of New Jersey Teresa and Joe Giudice did the same thing and have gotten caught as well. Certainly being on a hit show like RHOA gave Nida the platform to make money in legal ways! What about Apollo and Phaedra Parks doing thier workout video?!

Was RHOA and the projects that fell from the show not lucrative enough for Nida. Kenya Moore, whose had problems with Nida and wife Phaedra for years on RHOA tweeted a rather sweet response to his sentencing. "You can't kick someone while they are down even if they fell trying to trip you. Offer them a hand instead" Kenya tweeted about Apollo and Phaedra. Apollo Nida's legal team said in a statement about the trial, "Mr. Nida's lengthy but early small-time criminal history is simply not in the same league as the 'violent offenders, drug kingpins and perpetrators of far more serious offenses' that Criminal History Category V was designed to address." Maybe RHOA wife Phaedra Parks would have been a better attorney for her husband than the team her hired! But Phaedra didn't even attend the trial so we doubt Phaedra would ever defend her husband ever again. I smell divorce for Phaedra and Apollo very soon.

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