Aviva Drescher Fired From Real Housewives Of New York City!? [VIDEO] Will Appear On Rest Of RHONY Season But Could Possibly Get The Boot From Bravo Along With Entire Cast Except Ramona Singer

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Aviva Drescher Fired from Real Housewives Of New York City? NYC Housewives fans could possibly celebrate the lose of Aviva.  After two greuling seasons of having to watch awful Drescher exaggerate her health problems, get babied by her husband who has no backbone, and witness her perverted father make a fool of himself, Drescher might finally get teh boot. We were all hoping for this and Bravo has finally heard our prayers! Nothing has been completely confirmed, but it appears Bravo has fired Aviva for their next season and possibly won't return for the rest of this Housewives season. Tonight Aviva is on Housewives for a total of two minutes. Drescher is at Sonja's house getting teh info that the other Housewives are calling her a faker. Aviva said she needed a break from the other New York City Housewives further pulling her away from the show! It was two whole episodes that Aviva was not on the New York City Housewives episodes at all before tonight. Drescher didn't even make the opening credits! Once again Aviva Drescher blames her crazy health problems (this time Asthma) in front of making girl time with the other Housewives. When Kristen confronted Aviva about her asthmatic doubts, Aviva literally 'whipped out her bag of crazy' and started using her inhaler. Drescher is totally psycho, and not in the Real HOusewives funny way. Like scary crazy, Everyone else was on board (even Ramona) with going to Montana but Aviva Drescher claimed she had Ashma. Come on Aviva! You are so full of it!  And when the other Housewives arrived in the Montana airport, Aviva had a wheelchair for herself that she reserved before Drescher canceled the trip. Aviva is the most frustrating woman on the planet!  We once thought Bravo gotten rid of Aviva, but Drescher and her creepy dad have made their unfortunate comeback.  Aviva didn't even make it into the opening credits the last few weeks but Drescher reprised her role again, clearing up any rumors that Aviva was fired from Housewives mid-season. But Aviva will be not returning for Housewives next season! But Aviva isn't the ony Housewives cast member whose job is in jeopardy.

 Interestingly, Bravo has placed the entire current Housewives cast, except for Ramona Singer, on the chopping block! WIth exception of Singer, nobody's job is safe at the moment. But the first one to go will definitely be Aviva. When asked if she was fired, Aviva Drescher said, "But right now what happened was, I didn't go to the Berkshires because I had to go visit my kids at sleepaway camp so I didn't film that weekend," she said. "I'm going to be on the rest of the season. ... But if they do ever fire me, it's not something I would get depressed about. I could live with that." I don't know who disguts me more. Aviva or her perverted father? Aviva pulls out a nasty text about a threesome during a charity event, but her yucky dad is the one spreading the false rumors. So who is actually worse? Though Ramona was very rude to his fiance, bringing up her deceased parents at her engagement party, he still gives me the creeps. Aviva Drescher really needs be fired from Real Housewives Of New York City. Drescher is faker than Lisa Hochstein's face and her book will be as genuine as Brandi Glanville's cheekbones. Carol was right in saying that Avaiva just talks about sex to 'make herself look important.' Drescher is dull adn has nothing better to do than talk about her father's gross sexcapades. Yes, it's sad what happened to Aviva Drescher as a child when she lost her leg, but how much more can Aviva milk her unfortunate past? If Aviva wants to be treated like everybody else, like she said in her very first episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, then maybe it's time for Aviva to shut up about her leg and stop exposing her zillions of phobias on RHONY!  According to RadarOnline, Aviva is getting fazed out slowly from RHONY after not being on countless episodes of Housewives. 

If Aviva was fired from the show, that would be the greatest Housewives news to date! But we are not sure if New York Housewives is ready to dump Drescher just yet. Aviva Drescher missed a bunch of Housewives shows by missing the other ladies who took a trip to the Berkshires and then she was absent for the trip to Saratoga this week. "Aviva also refused to go to Montana with the women, so she won't be in those upcoming episodes either and they're planning to do the same thing with the opening credits -- take her out of them," Radar reported. But we're glad Aviva is acting up! Is Drescher really missed on RHONY? I honestly didn't even recognize Drescher wasn't there until I read the blogs online about how Drescher could be fired. There have been rumors for a while that Drescher could be fired because she didn't attend the RHONY madatory trips with the other Housewives during the season. But bad news for Housewives fans. There is a rumor going around the web that Aviva's father adn his new fiance' might get their Own Real Housewives spin-off show! There is also specualtion that FInce' Cloe might join the cast of Real Housewives of New York City making Aviva Drescher still relevant on the show. Damn! We were so close!

When Aviva told Kristen to 'shut the f*ck up' at a childrens party, it really made me dislike Drescher even more. On top of that, Aviva gave sweet little Carol tons of sh*t about being a 'real writer' when Aviva is clearly not a writer but Carol is the most talented character on RHONY. Aviva is too faced, annoying, overly dramatic, and unentertaining to watch on New York Housewives. I really hope Aviva is fired.

'KackieJune' wrote: I dislike Aviva so much I considered discontinuing watching the New York Housewives, which I've done from the beginning. Speaking of Housewives, I am sick and tired of Vicki on the OC Housewives. And she's looking OLD despite all the fillers and Botox.

LTK wrote: Aviva and Ramona both need to go! All will see at the end of the season if bravo let's her go. Bravo is weak on all the crap they let happen on their shows. Aviva slandering Carole and Heather careers. Ramona throwing a glass at Kristen .Ramona lame apology to her Bravo let it all slide. Bravo needs a face lift and Andy should try growing up! Aviva is such a liar and phony. No one cared she was off the show. Wonder how Reeds family feels about Aviva and her father. She has no morals to bring George and his sex toy to TV. That family is a bunch of fools and all need mental help. She makes the show not fun to watch. I change the chanel when she is on. She is a dead beat on the show and bravo should fire her. The sexual harassment on the show is way out of line. Love the show can't stand Aviva!

Melissa wrote: By far my favorite was her taking the inhaler and saying if I didn't have asthma could I do this and taking a puff well yes,yes you could. 

Lori wrote: Thank goodness...she makes my skin crawl and her perverted father....gag me...for once I was on Ramona's side he is a puke....

OK Paulo Ok Wrote: Fire her? They should burn Aviva at the stake, she is clearly a witch!

Do you think Housewives should fire Aviva? 

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