Heize Dies of Laughter While Performing Because of One Extreme Uncle Fan Singer Heize is known for maintaining a mellow and chic atmosphere which only enhances her chill and casual concept.
IFNINITE Reportedly a 5 Member Group Now Now that previous member of INFINITE Hoya has left the group, the reports have been confirmed that INFINITE will continue promoting as a 6 member boy group.
Photos of BTS' Jimin Being Compared To A Bratz Doll Are Going Viral & Have Fans Dying With Laughter
BTS Meet Their Goal of 'Hot 100' & Will Keep Their Promise To Fans The boys of BTS, as expected, have achieved their goal of making it on BillBoard's 'Hot 100' list! Fans and the boys are both celebrating this huge victory all over social media.
An American Artists Is Confirmed To Appear on 'The Unit' Idol Reboot Program? Fans are delightfully surprised to hear the news of an American artist joining the official lineup of the new idol reboot program 'The Unit,' which is set to air this October.
Han Seo Hee Discusses How She Secretly Dated T.O.P on Instagram Previously, fans were worried by the nonsense spouting out of trainee Han Seo Hee, who is guilty of providing drugs, including marijuana, to Big Bang's T.
What Insulting Comments Did Fuse TV Hosts Make About BTS & G-Friend That It Cancelled Their K-Pop Broadcast?
Sunmi Revealed She Hated The Song & Dance to Wonder Girl's 'Tell Me' It may come as a shock to fans of the Wonder Girls, but former member Sunmi became a hot issue after she announced how much she hated performing the hit single "Tell Me" during her girl group days.
T.O.P Was Sexually Harassed By Trainee Han Seo Hee After Drug Scandal The trainee, Han Seo Hee, who was involved and responsible for providing Big Bang's T.
Park Joon Hyung Attacked & Robbed By Thugs in Belgium Disaster strikes when a live recording of 'Buying Hardships' went terribly wrong after cast member Park Joon Hyung was attacked and almost mugged by thugs in Belgium.
Is There Evidence Proving BTS Rap Monster Is In A Relationship? BTS has been making headlines left and right after the release of their latest album 'Love Yourself: Her,' and one of the most interesting happens to be about the "secret relationship" composer and rapper Rap Monster happens to "be" in.
Sulli Pulls Another Prank & Becomes The Center Of Attention On Instagram Yet Again Sulli is in the spotlight yet again for another interesting Instagram post that captured the attention of fans and netizens alike.