People who want to learn whether the house they live in is haunted can find out in a link that comes with the new "Poltergeist" movie trailer."This isn't just a few pissed off spirits we're dealing with, it's a Poltergeist" reboot, warns the trailer. Thirty years after Stephen Spielberg's retelling of the famed haunted house story, Poltergeist is being remade in a contemporary setting.
The Doomsday Clock ticks closer to midnight. Tonight we're gonna party like it's 23:57. The Doomsday Clock, mounted in 1947 by the members of the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, edged closer to midnight over the weekend. It now stands at 11:57. When the clock strikes 12.00, it rings in the apocalypse.
Azealia Banks raps with Yemaya about esoteric knowledge. Azealia Banks came out as a witch on Twitter earlier this month. While most of the media has reduced this flurry of information to just another one of the Harlem-born rapper's feuds, the source materials may contain secrets to non-violent resistance in the ongoing civil rights battle. The "Broke With Expensive Taste" rapper theorizes that the answer lies in ancient secret knowledge.