Queen New Album Put On Hold As Adam Lambert Does His Own Thing, Brian May Reacts

After he went on to be the frontman of Queen, Adam Lambert still focuses on his solo career, which reportedly has been on the way of a new Queen album.

In an interview with guitarist Brian May by Gig Wise, he revealed that the group is currently on break as they give way for their vocalist's request of pursuing his own solo career and wait for him before moving back in the studio to continue with a new album.

The rest of the band is in full support of their band mate's decision and claimed that waiting for him to be ready would be worth it.

"A new album is not coming along, no we're not doing that," May said. "At the moment we're watching with interest while Adam pursues his solo career. And it seems to be going very well. He's an amazing, amazing artist, and there's no getting away from that. It's very interesting to watch him develop."

"We're very conscious that he doesn't want to be with us all the time," he continued. "That would be so wrong for us to just envelop him and never let him go off and do anything else. So it's very important that his own career is progressing now. We're looking forward to being back together in September to do Rock In Rio, and some dates in Argentina and Venezuela, I believe."

In a different report by NME, May also talked about Lambert and compared him with the other musicians that tried to be the vocalist to replace the late Freddie Mercury.

"Adam is the first person we've encountered who can do all the Queen catalogue without blinking," the guitarist explained. "He is a gift from God."

"He's incredibly musical, and we certainly take anything he says quite seriously."

For now, fans have to wait for Adam Lambert's mind to go back with the band to finish a new Queen album.

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