New UK UFO Sighting 2013 [PHOTO]: Fan-Shaped Object Moved In 'Clockwise Circular Motion' Over Hull, 'It Was Very Vivid'

A new UFO sighting has occurred in the UK over Hull, and photographs have been captured by resident Jean Dearing before it "climbed higher into the sky and disappeared at great speed."

"It was so bright and almost a fan-shaped object, half the size of the moon. I dashed in to get my camera and when I looked up again the object was beginning to move in a clockwise circular motion, clearly visible and then dropped quite sharply downwards and then back upwards," affirms Dearing of the UFO sighting.

The UFO sighting was captured by Dearing while she was on the terrace of her home on Southcoates Lane Monday night, reports International Business Times.

"I tried to put my camera on video but my hands were shaking with excitement, so I just held up the camera and snapped."

"I can only say what I saw. I've always wanted to see a UFO and now I have," concludes Dearing. "It was very, very vivid."

This is not the first UK UFO sighting to garner attention. Another sighting reported in 2011, with video footage confirming the cigar-shaped UFO.

Unfortunately for Dearing, so corroborations of the UFO sighting has come up, with several nearby residents coming up with other explanations online.

"I saw it too. It was only a moment later that I noticed the man with the remote control device in his hand and realized what his game was," writes one Daily Mail commenter.

But Dearing remains convinced of what she saw as a genuine UK sighting.

"When you look at the pictures, you can see its movement. It stayed there for one minute and it was too big to be a Russian spy plane. I've always said I believe in alien life. I don't think we're the only ones in the universe."

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