Legend Of Korra Co-Creator Talks Hindu Philosophy Of Book 2 And Book 3: 'Change Is Coming...'

"The Legend of Korra" Book 2 has come to a close, and it is clear the finale is deeply inspired by spiritual philosophy which will inevitably tap into Book 3, titled "Change."

From his recent blog post and interview with SpeakEasy, "The Legend of Korra" co-creator Michael DiMartino helped break down the inspiration behind the series.

"What I'm most proud about in Book 2 is how much we were able to explore the Spirit World and spirituality in general. I want to tell stories that are entertaining, but also enlightening in some way," wrote DiMartino.

"In Hindu philosophy, there is a concept called Atman, which is defined as the 'innermost essence of each individual' or 'the supreme universal self.' This is my interpretation of what Korra sees and becomes when she meditates. The giant blue Cosmic Korra is a visual representation of her inner essence."

This game-changing finale will no doubt radiate onto "The Legend of Korra" Book 3, "Change."

"It's all about Korra dealing with the change of the world in this point in time. At the end of Book 2 she says it's a new era. And it really is and we're going to show how Harmonic Convergence and her battle with Unalaq and Vaatu kind of shifted the world a bit," said DiMartino to SpeakEasy.

"We don't have an airdate yet. We're already working on the first few episodes of post-production for Book 3. So that's all going very well."

And although the Nickelodeon hit series is entertaining, seeing the inspiration behind it could give fans a new appreciation of Book 2, the finale, and what's to come in Book 3.

"With this episode, I wanted to show how any one of us has the ability to tap into that cosmic, more-than-human version of ourselves and expand past the possibilities of what we think we're capable of," continues DiMartino.

"And it's no coincidence that Book 3 is called 'Change.' So get ready, change is coming..."

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